Chapter 2.

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Headfirst For Halos: Chapter 2.

Taylor's P.O.V

My eyelids fluttered open. I realized 2 things when that happened; I had woken up because the sun was coming through my curtains and that I appeared to have shifted my head onto Frank's chest. I smiled at this thought, and then realized he was holding me to his chest. I tried to get up but his grip was too strong, so I untangled his arms from around me and slowly got out of bed. Trying not disturb him while he slept soundlessly. I got out and stood up and looked at Frank. He looked like an angel when he was sleeping. I went over to him and stroked his cheek, he stirred slightly. I smiled and went to my wardrobe. I picket out a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey T-shirt with a bunny playing drums on it. I threaded a studded belt through my jeans and pulled on some cleans socks. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair and washed my face. I heard some movement from my room and I peeked around the door frame. I noticed that Frank had gotten up and he was now stretching.

"Good morning," I said giggling. He had extremely bad bed hair and it looked quite funny.

"Mornin', what's so funny?" he asked smiling.

"Hair," I said, smirking. 

He walked past me into the bathroom and checked his hair.

"Shit," he muttered grabbing my hair brush and running it through his longish locks quickly.

"Ummm, that's my hair brush, you know," I said. 

"Yeah, I know," Frank replied, smirking. 

I sighed and playfully punched him in the arm. He reached over and started to tickle me.

"Fr-Fr-Frank! Stop it!" I said giggling uncontrollably.

"Ok, but only if you say, 'Frank Iero is the sexiest man alive,' got it?" he said smirking.

"N-N-No!" I said.

He tickled me even harder.

"Ok fine! Fr-Fr-Frank Iero is th-the sexiest m-man alive!" I said whisper yelled.

He stopped and I almost fell over, he caught me by the waist and steadied me. I looked up at him, he had beautiful eyes. He started to lean in and I did too. Our lips were about one inch away when I stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at his hair. I could feel his warm breath in my lips. I started to laugh uncontrollably and almost fell over again.

Frank opened his eyes and looked at me funny.

"What is so funny?" he asked sounding annoyed. I could tell it was fake.

"Your hair!" I said in between giggles. 

He glanced over to the mirror and frowned. 

"I'm going to catch you!" he said grinning.

He lunged at me and I rolled out of the way across the tiles, he fell and pretended to break his leg, wincing in fake pain.

"Help me up," he said pretending to be gasping for air.

I sighed and walked over to him and held my hands out. He grabbed them and pulled me down into his lap.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "You tricked me!"

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but it was too tight.

"Well maybe I did," he said softly, looking into my eyes. 

I leaned in and so did he. Our lips met halfway. It was a soft, slow kiss and lasted for about a minute or two. 

I pulled away and kissed him one last time.

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