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I remember.
Remember the first time I heard you.
The first time my ears had ever heard accapella so good.
The smooth sounds and graceful vocals.
My best friend was ranting about this
I placed the ear-bud into my own ear as she pressed play.
At first I thought it was instruments.
I was wrong.
I instantly went home and typed in your name.
One, then two videos.
... more.

I watched starships and I was confused at first.
To be honest I thought there were two females, and three black men.
But no there was one female, a sassy male, soulful blonde, amazing beatboxer and a surprisingly small bass.

I got to know you individually and grew to love you.

I know you get the people that say 'oh they saved my life' but they literally saved my life at one of my lowest points.
Sometimes it's harder for me to get up in the morning.
They helped me through it...

Your now all I listen to so I just want to say....thank you x

Boop boop ;)

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