I move my finger a little, only causing the actual frame to break into two. I throw my head back and let out a few mumbled words, only before realising how this actually occurred. I spin my head to face a Maria; her hands are on her mouth and her eyes are wide. I glare at her and furrow my eyebrows, trying to portray myself as extremely angry. "YOU! You made this happen, MARIA! These are my favourite-"

"Oh my gosh," She cries, before grasping onto my hand that's holding the broken glasses. "I'm - I'm so so sorry! I didn't know that would happen!"

I sigh before tossing the specks into a nearby bin, pushing away the feeling of disappointment. Yes, they're just glasses and I can get new ones but they were so pretty.

"They aren't that nice?" Hudayfah mumbles quietly as if reading my mind. and replying with something stupid. I catch what he says and give him a scowl however his face is turned away as he carries on rubbing the side of it.

Maria purses her lips as she leans in to hug me. She sighs. "Sorry, I'll buy you new ones, I'm so sorry, babe..."

Her sweet cologne invades my senses and I sniff her scarf once I'm in her embrace. Damn, it smells good.

I roll my eyes playfully and nudge her. "Gucci, please!"

She pulls away and holds me at an arms length. She bites on her lower lip and lets her eyes wander across the ceiling of the Gym. "Um...I'm poor?"

I laugh at her and shake my head. Let me tell you one thing about my best friend. She may not work but boy, does she have a lot of money saved. Her Father insisted on giving her a weekly allowance instead of making her work and she reluctantly agreed. That must feel so good; earning money for just lounging around. I would definitely end up getting a pay rise if my Dad had done that. However, he demanded that I worked which I wasn't so bothered about. I've always know to be independent and my aim is to be financially stable on my own, that's without a doubt.

"I will buy you Gucci!" Hudayfah says from besides us and Maria's hands falls to her sides. Hudayfah rubs the side of his head one last time before grinning at me.

"Yeah," I start, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because you have a lot of money saved, don't you?"

"Obviously," Maria agrees with me and links her arm through mine. "He's loaded!"

I don't understand how Hudayfah can't save any money that he earns. He's always spending it on a load of nonsense and I tell him off all the time, however I've come to realise that talking to a brick wall would do better.

"I meant fake ones?" He twists his
lips at me and then frowns. "And for your information," He clicks his fingers in my face, making me blink a few times. "I'm a hard worker!"

I scoff. "A hard worker? More like a lazy person with a soft-hearted, caring and amazing Father!" 

He laughs at this before pointing at me with his index finger. "True dat."

Maria and I look at eachother and exchange eye rolls. She shakes her head at him as she is clearly not impressed at her nephew.

Yes, I said nephew; didn't see that coming did you? Do you really think that Maria would be speaking to a non-mehram in such a way? That would be unbelievable.

She flicks her fingers on his forehead and he scowls at her before swatting her hand away.

"Can you guys stop hitting me?!" He cries and throws his arms in the air before pulling his Gym bag further up his shoulder. "Seriously, it's not fun!"

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