Chapter 12 ~ Bully

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( A/N~ The POV changes alot here, regular text, like now, is Ty, and Bold/ italic is Adam.)

I couldn't feel my feet touch the ground, he lifted me up like I was a feather.

Oh god no, please... 

He grunted loudly as I was hurled at the ground for what seemed like a mile a minute, I blacked out a second before the harsh impact.

Ty hit the ground like a rock, thudding and smacking his head, his head bled harshly and he was knocked out of breath. I believe he momentarily knocked Ty out, coming too again only seconds later.

I rubbed my head, I looked back only to see him barreling towards me. I saw Adam running to beat him out of the corner of my eye.

Maybe it'd be different, Maybe I could beat him there. Maybe, just maybe...


I couldn't.

He grabbed me only seconds before Adam got there. I looked up to see him shoot Adam a devilish glance. He pulled me to his side and redirected his attention to Adam.

"I'll kill him, don't think I won't, the teacher's are scared of me, They can't do anything, besides," ...

"He'd be dead before they COULD do anything."

And with that final statement he kicked me in the back, blood arose from my throat, splattering out , my last sight was Adam falling to the ground crying. I slowly lost sight of the outside world.

My life flashed before my eyes, was I dead?

My mother craddling me in her arms, I was only a baby, she kissed my forehead "My little Ty," It flashed and it was showing my first steps, only my mother again, holding me from behind. "Come on, Ty!" she said, smiling, it made me happy and warm inside.

I miss her so much.

Before the image allowed me to get sad it flashed again, showing my first day of school.

"Go on Ty, it's okay." she said, my 'little' me was tearing up, but Mom gave me a hug and sent me on my way.

 I heard something in the distance, blurred and faint,

Say your goodbyes, he leaving for hell.

Ty had blacked out a second time with the kick in the back, no. No.

I fell to the ground crying, my eyes stung. I couldn't do anything, Ty was going to die. No, please.

"Say your final goodbyes, he's leaving for hell."

I screamed so loud it had to of cought someones attention, Ty was going to die.

He brought Ty's head up, allowing Ty's long hair to go through his fingers.


I heard a scream in the distance, same as Adam's.

Was he screaming for me?

 I heard another sound.

A snarl, like a rabid dog, was Adam attacked?

What the hell?

I heard something, a snarl.

Seconds before Ty awaited death, something...

or someone,

came into view.


OoOOOOOoooooOOo Cliffhanger.

did you like dat?

No, I doubt it.

I was so exicted to write this chapter.

~ Cpwiser10

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