Chapter 63 ~ Would you be my friend?

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My sincere apologies for not updating yesterday, but I had a karate tournament for nearly the whole day :)

~Sarah's POV~

Ah, it's March. The weather is somewhat warmer and I can manage to pull myself out of bed in the morning. I hate being cold in the morning. Absolutely despise it.

Streching the kinks out of my body, I get up and get dressed. A simple blue t-shirt and ripped jeans. The days are surprisingly warm for it being so early in the season.

I seat my behind in the wooden seat I sit in every morning. Adam, bright eyed, brings out  aplate with a single piece of toast on it. I smile back as a 'thanks' and take it in my digits.

I chew on the tasteless morsel as I think of what I have planned for the day that awaits me ahead. Art, as always, literacy, ooh! Today I have wrestling in gym!

I love wrestling, if you couldn't tell.

I swallow the chunks of bread along with a swig of milk. I 'shave' my milk mustache off and dig through the closet to pull on my coat, no, sweater. It's far too warm for a coat.

I grab my backpack that waits for me on the couch, the hand sanitizer bottle swings around and hits my shoulder. I wave behind me, towards Adam. He waves back and I scoot my booty out the door.

I stroll down the street, the faint dew that coats the grass clings to my sneakers. They squeak under me as I hurry to school.

Almost as if I'm on autopilot I swerve into the schhol yard and sit down in my usual corner I wait out the bell in. I feel, like, I'm being watched, however.

I shrug it off and take out a notebook I permenatly have stored in my bag. I messily scribble a circle with a cross-section through it as a base for a face.

As I sketch in the eyes a looming shadow falls over me and I look up.

A girl with short brown, wavy hair stands there, blocking the warm morning sun. "Hello?" I ask quietly. It may not seem like it, but I'm actually extremely shy around people, despite how I act out around people I'm comfortable with.

"You seemed lonely." She stated simply, taking a seat next to me on the pavement. I smiled awkwardly and pushed my nose back into my doodle. She watched intently from the side. The bell rang and I groaned in disgust, pushed the pad of paper and the pencil back into my bag, and threw it onto my back.

She followed through, but waiting behind me slightly. I didn't think much of it and I made my way to class. Literacy.

Ironically, she had the same class. I take my usual seat, in the front corner of the class. I'm not a bad student, either, it's just I'm really quite and like to be up close to the teacher.

She took the seat beside me, laying her handbook across her table. I shot her another awkward smile and rested my head back on my desk, waiting for the teahcer to start the lesson. I almost nodded off to sleep before she tapped me on the shoulder, waking me up.

"Would you like to be friends?" She asked, stuttering nervously. Okay, this was like talking to a six-year-old but I haven't made any friends since then, and maybe that's what all friendships start out like.

I nod but my mind immedietly regrets it.

I won't know her much longer.





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