Chapter 14: The Truth Finally comes out

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I still amazed that we made it all the way to Greece and the place we are at is the place where some of the greatest battles happened. I take Anna in my arms and hold her tight I look at her and told her that I will make them all pay my father and every demon and angel that follow him. She closes her eyes I start to panic and checked her pulse and her part of her wings cut off I don't even know what she is considered if she is part human or still an angel. I start to read the book on how to find the box what I read it told me to take the dagger that had parts of the skull and blood still on it and stab it in the middle of the coliseum. I walked over to the middle I picked up the dagger and jam it in the ground. The earth started to shake either the box is about to come out or it's the big earthquake. The next I see two huge stoned statues of sentries hopped down side by side of the gate against the wall which started to rise. Out come a chariot instead of horses but six lions covered in fire. The rider was a man with a flaming skull and a trident in its hands. He looked like a Roman Ghost Rider comic hero but I defiantly know that this is no hero that it's out to kill me. The two sentries started to charge towards me with their stoned spears the one threw its spear. I jumped to the side as doing that the spear just whizzed over me putting a hole through my jacket. I get right up and run towards the sentry and took my machete and swung it at the statue but it only chipped it. It grabbed me and picked me up off the ground and threw me twenty feet in the air. I got up slowly and started to think if my weapon won't work on it maybe something it was made from. I run towards the spear and picked it up off the ground as it drew out its stoned sword and shield. He swings down in an angle I ducted and turned away from the strike. I lunged the spear forward at him and he puts up his shield to block my attack. He then swings his sword across towards my head I dropped down to my knees. He then swings down I lift up the spear up to block the attack and breaks the stone spear. I rolled behind him he turns quick and started to swing the broken spear I was holding in my one hand and the broken piece against its chest. I jumped up and performed a drop kick on the statue and knocked it down on the ground. I run up and jumped up in the ground while coming down I grabbed the spear with both hands and ram it right into the chest. Taking deep breathes I get up slowly and yell out "Which one of you pussies is next?!" The other sentry pulls out a stone mace and start to swing it in on the side. I grabbed the stoned creature I just destroyed sword and shield and start to think I really need to find a way to keep my mouth shut. He swings his mace at my head I ducted out of its way he spins quickly and swings it at my chest I put up the shield just in time. The mace hits the shield and flies me across five feet. I think this mother fucker hits harder and learned what I did to his friend. I yelled at him "That's all you got? You hit like a bitch!" His arm starts to shake and the spikes on the mace start to get longer he looks at me and he actually gives me what it looked like was a smirk. I got to learn to shut my mouth one day I will listen to myself but today is not that day. I take a deep breath and I charged towards him I swing my sword at him and he blocks with his weapon and I dropped down and spin and swung the shield taking off one of his legs. I smiled thinking he fell down I turned around but he didn't fall instead he throws a punch and hits me in the face and knocks me in the air spinning. I get up slowly and spit blood on the ground if he wants to play rough I can play that way too. I grabbed the shield and spin around and threw the shield at him he takes his mace and knocks it down by that time I threw the sword as a spear which pierces through its chest.

I can barely stand I am so fatigue from the two stone heads I don't know how much more I can take. I know I have to survive not just for the sake of the world but for Anna since she is becoming my world. I raised my hand up thinking I could use the thunderbolt again but nothing happened it must of left me when I jumped through the portal. I picked up my machete and start to take a couple of deep breathes then the creature snapped the reigns and the lions started to charge towards me. He picks up the trident which lit up on fire as he was charging towards me he points his weapon and shoots fire at me. The fire blast was so massive that flew me backwards on the ground and the lions started to circle me and created a ring of fire. He steps down off the chariot the creature opens its mouth and flames came out of its mouth. He swings his trident down and across towards my legs I jumped and rolled over his weapon. I swing my machete down at him it bends down and lifts up his weapon to block my attack. He then thrust its boney fist into my chest knocking me back. I looked over at Anna and she seems like she is getting worst I have no choice my worst nightmare is coming true if I don't change. I closed my eyes and start to focus on my rage but also my love for balance. I opened my eyes but I felt something different inside of me a certain kind of beast. My eyes still glowed a bright red and my claws came out and my veins started glow red my fangs grew long and sharp. I let out a huge bone chilling roar and ran towards the creature he thrust his trident at me I jumped high off the ground and landed on top him and shove my nails into his chest. The creature screams in pain as I twist my wrist and roared even louder as his flames started to turn blue. Next thing I know he started to slowly turn into dust. I get up and grabbed his trident as his chariot of lions come rushing at me with their mouths open I threw his weapon at them and lands right in front of them in the ground. The earth opened up a small bit and let out a huge fire which destroyed the lions running through it. The only thing that didn't get destroyed by the fire was the chariot. I walked over and broke through the panel and found the box and the chariot vanished away and I calmed myself down and turned myself back. I can't believe that I found the box and found a way to control this beast that is in me. I looked at the box the base was made of gold with symbols from what it looks like from all different religious versions of the box. Separating each story like a column was made of human bone I looked in front for the lock. Instead of a lock it looked like a heart made of gold and bone but no where to put a key and on top of it was a skull with its mouth open. Just touching it I can feel the power coming off of it. It felt like something was trying to pull out the darkness in me. Just holding it in my hands I feel I can conquer the world that everyone should bow to me.

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