Chapter 13 - Roxy

Start from the beginning

We walked down the sidewalk and walked up the driveway of Garrett's house.

His parents weren't home. If they did come home, then they usually left early on Saturday's.

We walked up to the front door. Carter unlocked the door with his spare key. We walked in, quietly. Ryan closed the door behind us. Too loud for our liking. We all turned around.

"Ryan, not so loud," Carter whispered.

"Sorry," he whispered back.

We, slowly and quietly, walked up the stairs. We walked down the hall. Garrett's room was the third door down on the right. Finn slowly opened it, and we walked into his bedroom.

Garrett was still asleep. He was laying on his front side. One hand was off the bed and on the ground.

"I'm going to wake him up. We'll jump on him and sing when he wakes up," Carter whispered.

The guys did just that. Carter dived into the bed first then Ryan and Finn last. They were piled up on top of Garrett.

"What are you guys doing?" Garrett woke, rubbing his eyes with his hand.

"Happy birthday!" we yelled.

I lit the candles on the cake and walked over by the bed, crouching down beside Garrett.

"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Garrett happy birthday to you..." we sang.

"Make a wish," I told him.

He paused and blew out the candles.

I smiled, placing the cake on his night stand table. "Happy birthday, Gare Bear." I reached down and kissed the top of his head.

"Thanks." He pulled my hand, pulling me onto the bed. "Is this all chocolate?"

I started laughing. "The only kind I'd make for you."

"Hell yeah! They're the best." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

We all got off the bed, giving Garrett the chance to sit up in his bed.

"You're eighteen. Considered legal now," Finn spoke, patting him on his shoulder.

"Yeah. The only ones left to turn eighteen are Ryan and Roxy," Garrett spoke.

"Come on, get up," I said. "Get ready. We have things planned."

"Do I have to? It's too early."

"Ryan," I turned to him.

He looked at me and nodded his head then proceeded to remove the sheets off of Garrett.


"Get up," Ryan ordered.

Garrett sighed and got out of his bed. He walked over to his closet and grabbed some clothes.

"Ima shower. I'll be ten minutes." He walked into his bathroom.

I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge, closing the cover on the cake box. Finn joined me, along with Carter and Ryan.

"Do you think he'll be excited for his present?" I asked.

"It's Garrett. Of course he'll be excited," Carter spoke.

Garrett walked out of the bathroom dressed. He wore denim jeans and a blue flannel shirt. He walked over to his drawer and took out a pair of socks. Sitting on his bed, he sat on the bed beside me and put them on. He put on his black converse next.

"Alright, I'm ready," he spoke, quickly ruffling his damp hair with his hand.

The five of us walked down the stairs. I placed the cake in Garrett's fridge then we walked out to Ryan's truck.

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