chapter 17

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update! I should be updating more frequently from now on, so don't worry!


Ever since going to the pool, Stiles and Lydia have still been as inseperable as ever. At first, they both thought it might be awkward, but they were wrong. Nothing's official between them, but they just love having the other in their presence.


Scott walked into school, walking up to his friends. Making himself known to the group, he put a hand on Stiles' shoulder and winked when Stiles turned his head towards his best friend. He got a chuckle in response as the group went to their designated classes.


Scott, Kira, Malia, Isaac, and Allison sat at their desks in their economics class waiting for class to begin. Stiles and Lydia walked in, just coming from their AP English class, and sat down in their seats surrounding them. Coach Finstock sauntered in the classroom from his office, glancing over each student present. He sighed, preparing himself for yet another class to teach, and stood in front of the chalkboard.

"Alright, open your textbooks to chapter 5, everyone. Let's pick up where we left off last week," Coach instructs the class.

With a few groans from some of the students, the textbooks are opened to the assigned page.

"Yes, I know, you all despise this class. I do, too. Let's just get this over with so you all can go to your next class, okay? Wonderful. Now, we're continuing our lesson on economic growth. McCall, why don't you start by reading the first two paragraphs? Then it's you, Stilinski. Prepare yourself."

The class turned their attention to Scott, who sighed to himself and starting reading aloud. When he was done, he leaned over to Stiles, who was sitting next to him, and tapped his shoulder. Stiles, who seemed to be in a world of his own, jumped slightly and blushed, realizing it was his turn to read. He started to speak, voice cracking from lack of use. Some of the students snickered, angering Stiles the slightest bit. Lydia nudged him, encouraging him to go on, which he did after taking a few calming breaths. Scott looked up at Coach Finstock, shocked to see a tiny bit of sympathy towards Stiles' embarrassment etched onto his face. Coach noticed Scott's expression and rolled his eyes, motioning for Scott to pay attention to Stiles instead of him. Moments later, Stiles stopped speaking, looking back up to Coach Finstock for further instruction. Coach nodded, then went to pass out worksheets to each student to fill out on what they just read.

After Coach finished passing out the worksheets, he cleared his throat and began talking. "This is worth 20 points, so don't be sloppy." Yet again, the class groaned in unison. "You should expect this from me. This isn't anything unusual." Stiles snorted at his comment and went to fill out his worksheet. Scott shook his head and smiled, forcing himself to complete the task at hand.

Thirty minutes later, the bell rang, signalling the end of class. Everyone shuffled out of their seats, handing Coach their papers on the way out.


By the time lunch came around, Scott was practically drooling at the thought of food. He made his way into the cafeteria, purchasing his food, and went to sit next to Kira at their usual table. Across from him, Stiles plopped down in his seat, wasting no time in plucking his apple off his tray and taking a bite. Lydia snickered at his antics, seating herself beside him and beginning to eat her lunch as well. Beside Kira sat Liam, who was talking to Isaac about the latest episode of American Horror Story, with Allison and Malia casually listening in on either side of Isaac. Ten minutes passed with them all enjoying each other's presence and talking about each other's day so far. Halfway into their lunch, two boys walked past the pack, sitting at the table directly behind them. One of them started talking to the other.

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