ı 03 ı Long Time, No See

Start from the beginning

"Yes Blair, but as your friend I want to make sure you're not lying to yourself. It's been over a year and you're still in pain. I know that the worse feeling in the world is when you're suffering inside but you feel the need to mask yourself as fine for the sake of the people around you. I want you to know Blair, that it's okay not to be okay," Klaus says, "I want you to know that things will get better, the moment you start believing they will." He reaches across and places his hand over mine.

"Thank you," I whisper.

Before either of us can say anything more, there's a knock on the door. Klaus glances at me warily, confused as to who it could be. But I too am confused. "Expecting someone this late at night?" he asks.

"No," I say, walking to the front door. I unlock the door and open it, revealing none other than my landlord. He stands there waving a piece of paper in his hands, fury written across his face as I've once again forgotten to pay my monthly rent.

"Six times! This is your sixth time in one year you've forgotten! How many times do I have to remind you? If you don't pay, you don't live here!" he says, shoving the paper harshly to my chest before storming into the house.

"Come on in why don't you," I remark bitterly, rolling my eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Klaus asks, appearing around the corner.

"Oh, so you have a boyfriend now! Are you living here too mister!" the landlord asks.

"I'm not- we're not-" Klaus stutters.

"We're not a thing, and he doesn't live here. He's just visiting," I say calmly, stressed beyond belief. Every part of my body wants to strangle my landlord, but if I do that I won't have a house to live in, so if I want to keep the house, I have to be on his good side which I'm finding is an extremely hard thing to do.

Klaus turns to me, confused. "You have a landlord? How was I able to get inside without being invited in?" 

I shrug casually. "I compelled a few tweaks into the lease agreement. Technically this is my house." 

As we continue talking there's another knock on the door, sending all of us glancing at it with perplexed looks. "You're having more friends over!" the landlord exclaims.

"I don't know who that could be," I mutter, making my way over to the door.

I open it and glance out into the dark street, finding no one there. I turn back to Klaus with a confused look, shaking my head thinking it's probably just teenagers messing around just as suddenly a wooden stake goes flying into my stomach, sending me flying several feet backwards.

I land on the floor with a thud as I stare at the open door, watching as a familiar man figure makes their way up the steps. I blink my eyes rapidly as I realize that man is the same man I saw at the grocery store. The same man that kept staring, that kept following us.

"Oh my god!" my landlord screams as the man walks to the door. However, just as he's about to step inside Klaus storms towards him, using one hand to push him backwards. We watch as the man lands outside, his arm twisted in an abnormal way from the impact. 

I stand up and rip out the stake from my stomach, watching as the man slowly gets back up, his arm cracking back into place. He's a vampire. 

I pass Klaus the wooden taken which he gladly takes, the two of us standing on my porch as the man attempts to walk towards us. 

In the split second Klaus takes the stake from my hand, it ends up in the vampire's heart, sending both him and my landlord falling to the ground. The vampire's skin turns grey as my landlord's turns pale, his brain not able to handle everything he's seeing.

I get myself up but don't bother moving the landlord as I'll only have to compel him later. Klaus on the other hand doesn't appear to be done as he moves the body of the vampire inside before checking the outside of the house for any more vampires that may be lurking about. As he does a quick scan outside, I check the vampire's pockets, pulling out his wallet.

I don't recognize the vampire at all, which makes everything all the more confusing. "You alright?" Klaus asks, marching back into the house and locking the door.

"Fine," I reply. "Bastard ripped my shirt though." I mutter, glancing down at my bloodstained shirt that now has a gaping hole in it. Klaus chuckles before examining the vampire himself, shaking his head in frustration.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Klaus asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. I saw him at the supermarket today, following us. I thought he was just some creepy guy, not a goddamn vampire." I explain, crossing my arms across my chest.

"He must've followed you then. He was looking for you for a reason, maybe to report your whereabouts back to somebody. Plus, he knew you were a vampire given he stabbed you with a stake. Are you sure you don't know anything?" Klaus questions, starting to act more and more like me. I'm supposed to be the one solving cases.

"Let's not forget who the real detective is here, okay?" I remark, but Klaus doesn't find it funny.

"Blair, I'm serious. He could've been working with someone," Klaus says seriously, raising a brow.

The landlord starts to stir awake from the ground beside me, making me roll my eyes. "Klaus, we're fine. Why are you freaking out about this? I mean, its my problem not yours," I say, slightly regretting the words as soon as they leave my mouth. I know Klaus is only trying to help, but deep down I can't help but wonder why Klaus is here instead of Elijah. Frankly we have a better friendship, and I can't understand Klaus's reasoning for wanting to help me. 

"Blair, you are my brothers friend, and I consider you my friend too. Since Elijah and James can't be here, it's my responsibility to look out for you," Klaus says.

"Like hell it is! I'm capable of taking care of myself!" I shout.

"That's not wh-"

"Where is Elijah anyways, huh?" I question. "You didn't dagger him again did you? Did you?" I ask, anger starting to rise within me again.

"What? Of course not! To be quite honest with you Blair, he doesn't even know I'm here. I had a witch do a bloody locater spell just to fine you! Believe it or not Blair, I still care about you, and now that James is gone, I feel as if I owe it to him to look after the one he loves," Klaus explains in a more gentler tone.

"The one he loved," I correct him.

I purse my lips and bend down to my landlord, compelling him away. Once he leaves I stand and turn the lights off, preparing myself for bed. "Thank you for your help Klaus, and I appreciate your concern, but I think you should go," I say in the most polite way possible. I don't know why but every time Klaus Mikaelson shows up something chaotic happens.

"Yeah, no love, I'm afraid that's not going to happen," Klaus smirks.

"What? It's my house!" I argue.

"But you see, I will not leave, nor do I want to leave because there could be others lurking outside your house right now. I'm sorry darling, but you're stuck with me," Klaus smirks, placing his hands on his hips leaving me standing there in shock.

Apparently Klaus has invited himself to stay in my house, and apparently I have no choice but to let him.


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[completed & edited: 09/14/2021]

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