Forbidden love

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I own nothing. Not even a brick. Or vertices.

When the brick hit him, Jason's life changed forever.

Right before he fell down, everything exploded with colour. The green of the trees became more vivid, the blue of the sky, and the warm chocolate brown of the trees was tinged with more hues that he had thought possible. Right then he knew that this was what falling in love was like, the world became more incandescent and clear. On the ground, he turned his head and saw it.


A rich shade of red, the brick lay glamorously on the ground next to his head.
Forgive me it seemed to say in that subtle way that all inanimate objects communicate.
I was so stunned by your beauty, that I fell.

Jason blushed.
"It's alright," he murmured, awed by the bricks exquisiteness. He shyly lay a hand on top of the brick's well cut (haha get it) form. "But are you all right?"
Seeing your face has made me so.

Jason smiled, gazing lovingly at the brick while falling out of consciousness. He knew undoubtably that this was what he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Rest, Jason, I will watch over you.

Contently Jason fell asleep.

I dream about nights spent gazing at the stars and picnics under a cerulean sky. Dinners at the fanciest of restaurants and cuddling and falling asleep while watching a movie, while it wraps it's vertices around me.

All with my true love, the brick.

MY brick.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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