His grasp around the book was strong and the lines in its spine were as deep as his voice. He didn't hold Krystal the way he held the book.

He held her with care and fear.

She lazily swung her legs off the bed, putting on a black pair of flats.

She walked out of the room and down the stairs, resting on the bench outside her house.

The rain had stopped and the sky was no longer sad and gloomy.

She liked the way the sun shone behind the clouds for it resembled Taehyung's bubbly personality.

She started swinging her legs as she inhaled the clean air. She always loved the smell after rain.

He did too.

She didn't know how long she sat on that bench, but almost the same amount of memories that were made in her room, were made on her porch, on the streets and sidewalks.

There were memories made in almost every city and neighborhood.

A knock on the window grabbed her mind that flew to the sky, making her gather her thoughts.

She looked behind her, staring into her mother's eyes.

Her mother grinned at her, waving, thinking her daughter finally got out of that phase and decided to start fresh.

Little did she know Krystal was only embracing the memories she and Taehyung had made on that porch.

Krystal dragged herself into the house, huffing as her mother wrapped her arms around her. Krystal didn't hug her back, she only tightened her grip around the book.

"Good morning, sweetie. You're up early!" Her mother beamed.

Krystal didn't reply. She knew how oblivious her mother was to the fact that Krystal hadn't slept.

"Want some breakfast?"

Krystal shook her head, walking up the stairs.

"She's still stuck in there." Her mother whispered to herself.

Krystal took the respected letter and placed it inside the book on a random page.

She plopped her fragile body on the bed, sighing.

She felt impatient. She wanted to visit him. She  couldn't wait any longer, but she and Jin had a specific timing.

Krystal sighed, placing the book that incased the letter on her chest, wrapping her arms around it. Tears slid down her face sideways, hitting the comforter.

"Only if I knew where Jin lived." She whispered to herself.

"Maybe then I could ask him to meet me there sooner."

Krystal sighed again and stared at the ceiling.

"I should've asked him for his number!" She groaned.

Deep down, Krystal hoped she could sleep until it was time for her to visit Taehyung and read the eleventh letter for him.

Letters I [k.th]Where stories live. Discover now