“I guess we could, but you’d have to dress up a bit,” I told him.

“Would a suit be good enough for you, because I actually have one in my suitcase,” he laughed.

“I think it definitely would be,” I smiled and began swinging our joined hands between us.

“I will wear the suit if you agree to just be your usual pretty self in a dress,” Niall stopped walking and turned to face me.

“That can be arranged,” I dropped his hand and then extended it for him to shake, “Agreed.”

“Agreed,” he said at the same time as me and shook my hand before linking them again and continuing on our way.

I was ecstatic about the thought of going on an actual date with Niall. I know that neither of us specified that it was a date, but it sounded a hell of a lot like one. A smile spread across my face and I knew that Niall could see it and knew why I was so happy, but he didn’t say anything, he just held my hand and smiled too. Before we knew it, Niall and I were at the pub. Like the gentleman he always is, he opened the door for me to enter before him and we went over to the bar, no longer holding hands, to order a drink.

Unlike we had planned, Niall and I ended up having three drinks each before slowly wondering back to the hotel the same way that we had arrived. Only a few people in the pub had recognised Niall and asked for photos with him, which he happily took, so we both knew that there would definitely be pictures of us drinking together online.

In my boredom the next morning while Niall was in the shower and getting ready for the concert, I found a Twitter account dedicated to finding out my identity. It was no surprise that people wanted to know who I was as there were now quite a few photos of Niall and I together so people knew that there was something going on. While I wanted to tell them who I was for the sake of my ‘job’ I knew I couldn’t do that. When Niall exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, I quickly turned off my phone and grabbed my things to go have a shower while admiring him. When I stood up, still looking at him, my eyes made their way up to his only to find that he was staring back at me. A blush spread across my cheeks and I rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

The matinee show was exactly the same as concert the previous night but the fans seemed to have a lot more energy seeing as it was earlier in the day. I took the same seat as the other concert and enjoyed the show while interacting with the girls on either side of me who were much nicer than one of the girls I sat next to at the last show. After the concert I couldn’t contain my excitement as I ran backstage to let Niall know that I was going shopping.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Niall asked.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I nodded, “I’m going to find a nice dress to wear tonight and it will be a surprise for you.”

“Okay,” he gave in and we hugged before I left through the back door.

I went back to one of the stores that I had visited the day before and began searching through the racks for the perfect dress to wear out with Niall.

“Hi, is there anything that I can help you with?” the young sales assistant asked me.

Usually I would tell them that I was fine browsing on my own, but this time I felt like I really needed some help from someone, especially someone like her who looked around the same age as me.

I nodded, “Yeah I do actually.”

“What’s the occasion?” she asked politely, “I’m Ashley, by the way.”

“I’m Violet,” I smiled before beginning my explanation, “My friend and I are going to dinner together tonight and then exploring Sydney, we’re not from around here.”

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