The crocodile killer man, had a nice jacket. It had golden chains and small pieces of patches keeping it from falling apart. He smiled as he adjusted his coat.

  Then it was the crazy girls turn. She pulled off her clothes and searched for her new outfit. She pulled out one that had red and black together forming a big one piece suit. She shook her head and tossed it away. She pulled out red and blue shorts, a daddy's little monster shirt, pair of heightened sneakers, a necklace saying puddin, then lastly her jacket that said 'Property of Joker'.

Annabelle had heard of this Joker once and was pissed at how many people he killed. She knew that he was evil just from rumors. He's the king of gotham, and this chick? Well every king has to have a queen somewhere. She remembered the girl's name. Harleen Quinzel, aka, Harley Quinn.

   Annabelle sighed as every man there watched her change. Annabelle rolled her eyes and smack Grant on the head, making his gaze be torn from Harley to her. "What the hell Grant. I'm not good enough anymore?" She said pouting. Grant quickly turned around and faced her.

  "No Angel. You are more than good. You're fantastic and beautiful." He said and kissed her lips softly. She sighed into it and then they pulled away. "Also you need to go introduce yourself." Annabelle's smiled faded and she frowned. She hated talking to other people. She sighed as Grant moved out of the way.

  "What was that? I should kill everyone and escape?" Everyone looked at her in pure shock. "I'm kidding! Jeez. That's not what they really said." She smiled evil at everyone. Annabelle grew tired of this.

  "That was not funny, you stupid girl." Annabelle spoke and everyone turned their attention away from Harley, to the angel. The group looked at her strangely. She was definitely the definition of strange and bible study.

   Harley frowned at the girl and stepped forward only to hult as Annabelle held Orisis to her throat. "Wow lady, I just wanted to check ya wings out." Annabelle growled in her demonic tone. Grant instantly stepped out to make her stand down.

"Anna. Put Osiris down." She didn't listen. Never changing her gaze or even faltering it. She glared at the pink and blue, platinum blonde haired girl. Grant glared at her and shoved Orisis down. Harley backed away slowly, whispering to Boomerang that she had anger issues. 

"I don't want that thing coming anywhere near me Grant." She said still looking at her. The others were just shocked at how beautiful she looked. Her fiery red hair, bright green eyes, thin frame, black wings, Orisis and her white prison raggs.

The guards thought it was amusing to see her interact with people after being locked up for ten years. Grant was just pissed they even laughed at her actions.

  Annabelle sighed and looked at a box that looked interesting. Grant followed her just in case she had another episode of 'Mean girls'. Annabelle dug through the box and found a beautiful black jacket. She smiled and dug through it more finding a black crop top,  skinny jeans, combat boots, and fingerless gloves.

With the snap of her fingers and in the blink of an eye she changed into her new outfit. She smiled contently twirling around in her new clothes. She was happy she found her outfit.

Rick sighed and stood up straight. Grant right behind him. "Listen up!" He yelled and everyone stopped talking and looked to him. "In your necks ...," He looked around as everyone got into a line. Annabelle crossing her arms listening to her boyfriends best friend. "Is an injection you got, it's a nanite explosive. As the size of a rice grain ...but it's powerful as a hand grenade."

Annabelle placed a hand on her neck feeling the explosive. She looked to Grant and he gave her a sad look. She knew he didn't want to, but he had to. "You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die." Everyone sighed and began to look at everyone around them. "You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die. Annabelle i'm not so worried about." She snapped her head up to look at Rick and rolled her eyes. 

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