
Mariah walked over to the sink that was piled high with dirty dishes.

Might as well.

When she finished washing the dishes, she dried them and stacked them neatly in the cabinets. She wiped down the counters and the island and organized the refrigerator. Electing to take a short break, she walked over into the living room where Michael’s personal planner lay on the coffee table.

She picked up the book and read through a few of the dates.

2/8 - Pictures for the girls, call Mimi about this


What did I do wrong? I try and try but I don’t understand.

2/14 - Valentine’s day with Mimi. Make sure the girls are with Mother so Mimi can relax

So I can relax?

2/19 - Apointment with Dr. Powell. Mimi should be here.

She flipped to the next month. It was already filled out, so she did the logical thing...

3/27 - Mimi’s day. I pray that she gets through this curse. Lord, what do I do? I love her.

She paused, a bit taken aback by the sentiment. Mariah flipped backwards to January.

1/25 - Mimi has no shows so we can talk. She can’t mean it.

I can’t mean what?

With no other relevant entries for January, she flipped back through the months to see if there were any allusions to the ‘curse’.

She stopped at the very back of the planner in the ‘Notes’ section when she noticed the girls’ names.

She’s not fazed by anything. Even if she hates me she must love Nicki and Noelle. I will love her anyway but I won’t have her to hate our angels. It hurts too much.

Feeling dejected, Mariah sat the book back on the table, careful to flip it back to the page Michael left it on.

She stood from the couch and walked to the closet to pull out some cleaning supplies. She began to straighten up the place--picking up the babies’ toys, washing Michael’s clothes, disinfecting everything.

Soon, someone walked in through the garage door. Without even looking, she knew it was Michael from the sound of loud baby cries muffled by blankets most likely.

“Shhh, Nicki, it’s okay. I know you’re hungry but mommy isn’t back yet. You have to give her some time. She’s trying.” Michael explained to Nicole. Mariah heard him put the their carseats down on the floor before-

“What the-”

She turned her head around to see Michael standing in the kitchen with his back facing her. He was clearly confused by how clean everything was.

He slowly turned around, taking in the scent of dish detergent before landing his eyes on-


February 6th, 1998

Mariah just stared at Michael, unsure of how to react.

His eyes downcast as Nicole’s cries grew louder. Mariah subtly winced at the sound. He took note of Mariah’s reaction and hurried to calm Nicole. After filling her bottle with the warm milk that Mariah had ready on the stove, Michael fed Nicki. “Shhh.” He said to Nicki.

He looked up at Mariah who seemed frozen in place.

Mariah suddenly broke eye contact and ran up stairs.

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