"I hate that! Now they're going to run off to write some fake story about me flipping out over this and how some how your pregnant with my kid. It's ridiculous!" Louis said to me. I reached over and pat his leg in a way to show him that he really needed to calm down. There had been multiple times that rumors around Louis and I had been on the front page of things. It was scarry the first time because Harry definitely freaked out about that where Zayn tried not to question me about that. In the end, nothing really changed because we all knew it was fake. However, it still doesn't make it easier for words to be put in your mouth or titles to be placed on you without you're opinion.

When we got back to my house, Zayn ran out to help me out of the car and to help get the bags of stuff we had bought. I gave him a kiss and cuddled close to him while we walked into the house. The whole entryway was decorated with birthday decorations that were safari themed. That's what Ethan had been obsessed with for the past couple of months so he decided he wanted a safari birthday party. He was more interested in seeing animals run wild rather than being in captivity. He even started a little savings account with coins and extra allowance so he could donate it to charities that would help keep wildlife free. That's what made him happy, which made Zayn and I realize what a giving person he really was. I made my way into the kitchen that had different animal type snacks on the table; animal crackers, little cakes with zebra stripes, cookies shaped like paws, bananas, nuts and different vegetables that looked like they belonged in a jungle. It really looked great. The cake was a lion that Ethan picked out.

"Baba, you said you would get the extra pillows for me so me and my friends can build a pillow fort tonight." Ethan came into the kitchen to say. I turned and reached my hand out to him so I could go help him with that. While I got all the spare blankets into Ethan's room, he told me he was really excited that he got to have a sleepover with everyone. His brown eyes twinkled with excitement that made my heart feel so warm. I couldn't believe that he was already nine years old. I couldn't believe it when Ezra was ten, but Ethan has been the baby so long that this birthday really made me emotional. My boys weren't supposed to grow up so fast.

The party started at six that evening. All of Ethan's friends came with their sleeping bags and all their parents had a word with me about phone numbers to call if their kids needed anything. Ezra's friends came over too, but their parents stuck around a little longer to talk to Zayn because all of us were closer friends. Ethan's friends were new and younger so I couldn't blame the parents for worrying. Mark was completely thrilled to be at the party and watching his grandchildren have fun. He always seemed so happy when Zayn and I were spoiling the boys or making sure they had a childhood to remember.

"Do you need anything?" Mark asked me as I went to sit next to him on the couch. I shook my head and moved closer to him. He rubbed my belly and smiled when the baby kicked wildly.

"It's great that the baby knows who grandpa is." He laughed. We spent some time feeling the baby kick and taking about how we needed to get the baby stuff up again. During our conversation I noticed Ezra and his friend Alex trying to sneak off from their other friends but I wasn't sure where they were going. It was just funny to see that Peter was getting in the way and kept following them. Nathan was completely oblivious to everything and was having fun with Ethan's game they were playing.

By the time it came for the adults to leave and the kids to start the sleepover part, I could tell the kids were tired. Zayn was helping them with the blanket fort while Harry, Louis, Mark and I cleaned up the mess of plates from cake and food. I was trying to be helpful, but the other three took over once I huffed about my back hurting.

"I'll go check if they need anything." I said quietly. Mark kissed my cheek before I left the kitchen. I walked past Ezra's room to check on him and his friends, but only Peter and Nathan were in there playing some video game. That confused me to where my son and Alex were, but I heard Ethan break out laughing and all his friends too. I looked in his room and found Zayn tangled in blankets that had all collapsed on him. I laughed too and went to help my husband out of the mess he made.

"Why don't you boys give it a try again. Just don't do what I did and it should all work out." Zayn said to them. The five boys all started to put the blankets up with only a little help from me and Zayn. Once that was done, we put on The Jungle Book movie for them all to watch before leaving the room.

"You have cake on your shirt, babe." Zayn chuckled to me. I looked down at the orange frosting that was on my belly and laughed. He went to our room and gave me one of his big t-shirts so I could change. I went into the laundry room and turned the lights on, but was surprised with what I found.

Ezra had Alex crowded against a wall while Alex held my son's hands as they shared an innocent kiss. The second they realized the lights were on and I was there, they stood far from each other with red faces. I wasn't sure how to react because I thought I had a few more years before this happened.

"Uh... I think I'll just go now." I said confused if that's what I should have been doing or if I should have had a conversation with the two of them. I gave Ezra a small smile that showed I wasn't mad at all, but we would need to talk later. I wasn't mad, I was excited that he had is first kiss, but also worried he'd be super promiscuous. Ezra just blushed even deeper and looked at Alex. After that, I just went down to the kitchen where they were all talking about Zayn's fight that was coming up. I grabbed Zayn by the hand and pulled him out of the room.

"I just found Ezra and Alex kissing." I whispered. Zayn looked taken back then looked really proud.

"It's not a big deal for him to kiss another boy. That's all I wanted for both our kids; to know they're accepted and loved. Also... that's my boy." Zayn chuckled, making me slap his arm. He leaned down to kiss me in return. Maybe that's why Ezra wanted to do that. He sees the love Zayn and I have and knows that it's okay to share it with whoever your heart wants. That alone made me feel like I succeed as a parent.

A/N: what a week! I'm tired! What languages do you speak?!?!?!? Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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