Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

The backyard was cover with a blow up boxing ring; balloons that we're red, white and back; at least ten stand up boxing bags; jump ropes; big tires that Zayn told me he would lift but we're just used to roll on and of course the swimming pool was being occupied. I know if I were ten years old, this would be an amazing birthday party. Well, if Zayn was ten years old he would love this.

Ezra had invited all his friends from school, some of Ethan's friends that he enjoyed because they were nice to his baby brother and some of the boys and girls he made friends with at the gym. Of course Mark and Doniya were here and a few friends Zayn and I had made over the years came with their kids too. Harry's parents came, along with his sister and her boyfriend. Louis' family was here and they made up most of the kids here. Harry and Louis had come over early this morning to help us set up for this. Harry's eye healed fine from his fight that was a few weeks ago, but he still had a yellow looking bruise. Louis helped me make some of the snacks and stuff like that while Harry and Zayn did all the heavy lifting. It looked amazing and the mid May sun was shinning brighter than ever.

"Hey there, sexy." Zayn mumbled into my ear, coming up behind me and wrapping an arm around me. I turned and kissed his cheek then looked back to the party. Ezra and Alex had a thing for pushing Louis' sisters into the water when they didn't want to then running away. It was fun to watch those two be partners in crime.

"It's been ten years since the best day of our lives." I told Zayn, getting the glass bottle of beer out of his hand and taking a drink of it. He whined at me so I took another drink just to make him fuss again.

"It was also the craziest day. I remember just fighting I don't know how many rounds only to see you do the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed in my life." Zayn said to me, making me smile again. He took his beer back and drink it, his hand finding it's way down to my lower stomach.

"You two should come over here!" Doniya yelled from the table that had most of the adults at it. Harry was sitting with Louis on his lap, no doubt talking about how they have everything ready for their wedding. Zayn and I walked down to everyone else, but there weren't enough chairs for us. Mark grabbed my hand as he stood up and gave my cheek a kiss.

"Have a seat, love. I'm going to go referee the boxing match that Ezra is going to start." He told me. I looked over and saw Ezra and Peter climbing into the blow up boxing ring and Nathan and Alex ran to go watch them. Ezra was laughing as Peter struggled to get his gloves on. I smiled at Mark and watched him go over to the kids. Zayn sat in the chair and pulled me to sit in his lap.

"So are you thinking of knocking out any Liam Payne's today, Zayn?" Harry's step-dad, Robin, asked. Zayn laughed and shook his head. Today, that's all that's been on the news and everywhere. The whole world also knew that today was Ezra's birthday too because the world kind of remembered when my water broke in front of everyone. They remember how Zayn knocked Liam Payne down, winning the world title then ran to pick me up so we could go to the hospital to have our first baby. It was interesting to turn on the news and see everyone talking about Zayn and our son. Ezra kind of thought it was cool he shared his birthday with such a big event in history, while Zayn wanted people to stop talking about his win and talk about the day he became a father.

"Any surprises for us, Niall? You know, babies being born." Doniya asked me with a laugh. Zayn kissed my cheek and rubbed my stomach.

"It would be a surprise to me as well if I gave birth. I'm definitely not pregnant." I laughed. Gemma gave me a look like she was making sure, so I did what normal people do and lifted my shirt up to show everyone I had my abs coming in nicely, well besides my lower stomach. Everyone laughed and started to tell Zayn to cut off my drinking.

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora