Chapter 18

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Zayn's POV

Standing in the front of the church next to Harry only brought back memories of the small wedding Niall and I had. But now, I was standing here being the best man and watching as my best friend devoted his heart to one man only. Years ago after they first met, they were both very secretive about their feelings. Neither of them did or said anything about them until one day I guess they both forgot about the world and focused on their hearts. I never thought they would have gotten here, but they did and I couldn't be happier for the both of them. All the secretive dates they went on and all the flirting that they denied finally lead them to this day.

The other groomsmen were Harry's cousin and one of his really close friends from way back when they were young. On Louis' side he had Niall as his best man, his little brother as his groomsmen and his childhood friend as another one. Niall and I kept sharing soft glances to each other like we were the newly weds. Even if we thought we were being secretive, everyone in the church was seeing it.

Louis had a very large family that took up most of the right side of the church. That was the side Niall's family was sitting on and I knew they were watching Niall and I closely because they couldn't ever get enough of seeing their son so in love. Mark waa sitting on the left side of the church with Harry's family. Doniya wasn't able to make it because she had some new training to do, but she sent her best wishes. Harry had a big family, but his group of people were mainly friends that Harry had made. If you were friends with Harry, you know you made a friend for life. There's no getting rid of him. It's not that you would want to either.

The music started playing and everyone stood up as the doors opened for Louis to walk down the aisle. He was wearing the white suit and a light yellow bow tie that somehow made his blue eyes sparkle even brighter than they already were. You could practically feel the love radiating from him as his mum walked him down the aisle to his soon to be husband.

"You're a lucky man." I whispered to Harry, just as he had done on the day of my wedding. Harry smiled even bigger then took a few steps down to go get Louis off his mum's arm. Jay gave Harry a kiss and told him to take care of her baby boy before letting her son go. Louis and Harry had their hands linked together as the priest begin to speak to everyone. Me and the rest of the party went to take our seats in our designated areas. I looked over at Niall and saw his eyes were already misty looking. Him and Louis had been emotional all day about this moment just because of the love that was flowing through everyone. He smiled at me then we both looked back to listen as the priest begin to speak about what is expected in a marriage. Harry and Louis both recited the vows they wrote to each other and I heard Anne completely loose it when Louis promised that he would love Harry through everything because he's his other half. Jay lost it when Harry said he would be the man in Louis' life that would make sure to make everyday full of as much love as possible.

"May we have the rings, please?" The priest asked. I smiled when Ezra and Ethan both walked up to give the rings to Harry and Louis. Ethan turned and gave everyone a big smile because he was a cheeky little shit, making everyone give a soft laugh. I smiled at my boys and never imagined that my heart that I promised not to love even one person could love three people.

"Do you, Harry Edward Styles, vow to love, honor and respect Louis William Tomlinson from this day forward, through sickness and in health, till death do us part?" The priest asked. Harry smiled and verbally agreed as Louis slipped the ring on his finger. Louis went through the same process as well.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss your groom." The priest said and those two didn't have a second thought before kissing each other. We all raised to our feet and clapped as they kissed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall wipe some tears, making me feel the need to rush over to him and kiss him up even if those were happy tears.

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