A Common Battle

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We crawl for one another. You do, I do. Each one of us does. We all need people, and some of us don't even realize it. This is not a good thing, this desperate thing, this desperate feeling we all feel when no one is around. This desperate impulse is called loneliness. A pathetic feeling we all eventually suffer from. Some wallow in this feeling, becoming more pitiful, and with no one around to even realize their sorrow they fall even deeper into it. Then there are the others who will feel this thing called loneliness, and these people will run from it, they will go to people, strangers even and hiding their pity from them, they will force their presence around these people. We all hide this common thing from each other; this loneliness. We all hide it. Even though we all know that each one of us faces it, and each one of us faces it alone. And maybe we are alone with this loneliness because we all hide from each other, we all hide how we really feel from each other. We never fully spill out the answer to "how are you". Non of us tell the complete truth.

We all are humans, we all suffer from these common struggles that each of us face alone. We choose to face them alone. If stranger to stranger could tell each other their truths, then each will be able to relate somehow. But no stranger and sometimes no friend will fully tell each other one another's truth. Because we each fight our own battles alone, and no one can truly help one another, it is only up to you to help you. But always remember, the stranger or the friend beside you is fighting their battles alone too.

Truths and Sad ThingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora