The end

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*here we go guys. Last chapter of this story. I gotta say I have absolutely loved writing this. I do believe I will be making a sequel but this is still a pretty bittersweet chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Olivia's POV

After waiting in the waiting room for 4 hours, (idk how long something like that would typically take so don't kill me) I see Amanda come out in a wheel chair. "Hey, you okay?" I ask her. "Just fine." She says with a slight sigh. "You wanna talk about it?" I ask. "Maybe another time." She says, irritation evident in her voice. I drop it, and wheel her out.

Once we get home, I walk her to the door of the apartment building. She grabs my hand as soon as she sees the door. I squeeze it to reassure her. I still have no idea why she's so freaked out about the apartment. I walk her through the door and I can see her chest rise and fall quickly. Why the hell is she panicking? I wish she would just tell me what's going on. Once we get upstairs, I fold up the wheel chair and set it against the wall. I help her sit on the couch and sit in the chair. "Anything you need? Want me to get you anything or do anything for you?" I ask. She just shakes her head and looks down. I reach over and grab her hand. "I wish you would tell me what's going on in that pretty head." I say, slowly. She shakes her head and looks away from me, trying not to cry. I sit on the couch next to her, quickly. "Don't you trust me?" I ask. "Of course I do," she says, finally breaking down into small sobs. She sits cross legged in front of me. "I just don't know what to do. I don't want to talk about it or think about it or...god I just don't know what to do." She says, tucking her head between her knees. I put my hand on her head and tuck my head down so I'm hugging her. "Tell me what I can do. Tell me something." I say. She sighs. "I had to give birth to my baby today. She was so beautiful Liv. She was so beau-" her sentence was broken off, as she started sobbing again. My heart broke in two as I tried consoling her. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help you." I say. I lift her up so her backs on me. I wrap my arms around her and hope she falls asleep.

About 2 hours later, im woken up by a knock at the door. I get up and see that Amanda is gone. I look in her room and see that she's asleep on the bed. I go to the door and answer it. "Hello, is detective Rollins home?" The man asks. "Umm, yes but she's asleep. I'm her gir-"I stop myself. "I'm her friend. Can I take a message? " I ask. He nods and pulls out an envelope. "Tell her, she's been served." He says and walks away. I shut the door and lock it behind me. I walk into the bedroom and she looks up at me, sitting on the bed. "Who was that?" She asks. "I don't know, but you should probably open this." I say handing her the envelope. She goes over to the kitchen table and sits down to open it. After a few seconds of reading, she covers her mouth. "What? What is it?" I ask. "He's- he's suing me. He's saying I killed his baby." She says, crying. We hear another knock at the door. She gets up to answer it. Sitting in the kitchen, I hear Amanda. "No, what're you doing here?" She says. I get up and look to see a man with a gun. He puts his arm around Amanda, putting his gun to her hand. "Oooh, hey. This your littler girlfriend?" He says with slurred speech. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm your worst nightmare baby." He says. Seconds later I hear a shot, and everything goes dark.

*hey guys so that's the end of this story. I'll most likely be doing a sequel but it may be a while. (May also be tomorrow, lotta shits going down in Charlotte) but let me know how you liked it and what you'd like to see in the sequel!

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