Back to work

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*hey guys I'm gonna try to update something like every 2 days just so it's always kinda fresh in my mind. Think I'm gonna add another female detective in soon. First paragraph is gonna be past tense the rest will be present, I just find this easier to transition.

Olivia's POV

After we finished dinner, we had a few drinks, the guys left, and Amanda and I went to bed...okay so it wasn't my bed but we slept on the couch.

I wake up to my phones alarm, and I feel Amanda start to move. I turn off my phone and we both sit up, yawning. "how'd you sleep?" I ask. "Alright I guess." She said smiling. "How do you feel, you're supposed to go back to work today," she says quietly. "I'll be fine babe." I say giving her a kiss on her head, heading towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll just go home and get ready. See you there?" She asks. "Yeah, see you there babe." I say closing the door. I turn on the shower, and start to strip my clothes. I see the scar, and trace my fingers over it. "You're nothing but a whore, you hear me? Now you'll know it for the rest of your life." He says flicking his knife open. "Please, please don't." I say quietly. "PLEASE!" I look back up at myself, and cover my face with my hands. "I'm just a whore." I say as tears start to make their way down my face. I get in the shower and start to get ready for work.


I start to walk in, and I stop. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I say to myself as I continue to walk. Whore. I stop. Breathe. You will not do this here. I continue to walk again, and get into the elevator.

As I walk up to the squad room, I see a bathroom and duck into it. I Check to see if anybody else is in it, and walk up to the mirror. "Breathe. Breathe. He's not here. He wouldn't risk going after you again." I say to myself. I take one more deep breath. I walk out, and head toward the squad room. I see the doors, and Fin sees me. No turning back now... I walk in, and see flowers on my desk. "Who did this?" I say smiling. Amanda walks by, "um those are from us, but i don't know who those are from." She says getting me coffee. I look at the note. "Nice to see you again, detective Benson." My stomach drops  immediately. I tuck the note in my pocket quickly before anybody sees. "It have a note?" Fin asks. "Nope, no note." I say not wanting them to see it. If they saw it, they would put a security detail on me, and I don't need somebody else to take care of me. Amanda walks next to me. "You alright?" She whispers discreetly. I put on a smile. "Yeah, I'm great." I say equally as quiet. I take a seat at my desk and sip my coffee, as I go through my cases.

"Rollins, Liv, my office." Cragen says quickly. We both get up and head towards his office. "What's up Capt.?" I ask. "Shut the door." He says. Shit. "Alright what's up?" I say as I shut the door. "I just wanted to see if you were good to go back into the field. I don't want to rush you, I just know how you like to dive into your work." He says kindly. "Yeah, I think I'm ready." I say confidently. "Why'd you want me Capt?" Amanda asks curiously. "I want you and her to be partners for a while. I know how close you too are, and I think it'll help her being with you." He says. "Alright, I think we can do that." She says smiling. "Alright. We got a Vic at mercy hospital, I want you both to go." He says. "Alright were on it." I say as we leave his office. We get our coats and head for the door. Once we get outside Amanda gets in the drivers seat.

As we drive Amanda starts to glance at me, like she's worried. "Alright, what's up? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I ask finally. "It's just, are you sure you're ready to be back in the field? I'm worried. I don't want you to rush anything." She says in one big breath. "Amanda, I need you to believe that I'm okay, alright? I'm fine, I'm okay to be back in the field. I wouldn't have said yes if I want." I say. She sighs. "Alright alright," she says as we pull into the hospital.


We get the girls information quickly as we walk in. "Jayden Kingsman, 17. Came in an hour ago, cuts all over her chest, bruises on her thighs. Won't say who did it." I say as we walk to her room. "She's been through hell and she won't even tell us who did it. She's scared of somebody." I say as we approach her room. "Alright. Let's do this." I say as I knock on the door. "Come in." A voice calls. I open the door, and we walk in. "Hi Jayden I'm Olivia, and this is my partner Amanda." I say introducing ourselves. "I didn't tell them to call the cops." She says. "I know Hun, they're required by law to report any sexual abuse." I say. "I wasn't assaulted though." She says. "Look, I just fell into some glass, I wasn't raped." She says. "Okay," I say as I pull up a chair next to her bed. "You have bruises on your thighs, how'd you get those?" I ask. "I...I am i kick boxing classes. I get knocked around sometimes." She says. I can tell she was trying to come up with a response quickly. "Alright then you won't mind is running a rape kit?" I ask. "Nope, do whatever tests you want." She says. "Alright, we're going to go outside and talk to your doctor. Okay? We'll be back soon." I say as we walk out of her room. Walking in the hallway, we get a cup of coffee, and find her doctor. "Hello I'm dr. Wyatt, I'm Jayden's Doctor." He says. "Detective benson, and Rollins. What can you tell me about what happened to her?" I ask. "Well she was out cold when she came in, somebody found her by some broken glass, outside of an apartment building." He says. "Did you collect any samples?" Amanda asks. "I didn't but I had a nurse do it. She saw the bruises and there are signs of rape, we called you." He said. I nod and walk over to the wall. "She told us she wasn't assaulted in any way, but she agreed to a rape kit." I say, leaning on the wall. "So she's scared of somebody, and wants to get help, but is afraid to say anything." He says. "That's what I'm guessing." Amanda says. "Right, well I'll send a nurse up to do the rape kit." He says walking away. "This poor girl." I say running my fingers through my hair. "You doing alright so far?" Amanda asks me. "Yeah babe, I'm fine, really." I say convincingly.  "Alright. You better let me know if you need to take a break." She says pointing a finger at me. I laugh. "Alright I will. Let's head back to the station, we need to fill in the rest of the squad." I say as we walk out of the hospital.

*hey guys, I should be writing an English assignment instead of this but hey, whatever, vote and comment, tell me if you want something specific to happen, and I'll try to work it into the story.  Thanks!

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