Telling elliot

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"He...He raped me." I say looking away from him. "Oh, Liv," he says. "I'm going to kill him." He says, getting up, walking towards the door. "Wait! Please don't leave," I say, trying not to sound desperate. "Please, I just...can you please stay here. I don't know what to do." I say, tears pouring out of my eyes. He looks back at me. I can see his rage, but I know that it isn't directed towards me. He sits down next to me. "You're my best friend, I can't believe I couldn't protect you." He says, crying. "You had no control. If I hadn't let him rape me then..." He stops me. "Don't you ever say that again. You didn't let him do anything. He took something from you, you didn't let him. This wasn't your fault, and you should know that." He says in a serious tone. "It's different when it you. When it's a victim, you know that it wasn't their fault, but when it's you, you have a need to blame yourself. You don't understand how hard it is not to." I say, with my head in my hands. "You're right, I have no idea what you're going through. Can you tell me what happened?" He asks quietly.

After I tell him the whole story, I'm in his arms sobbing my eyes out. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore. And now he's out there. He can hurt me again! All he has to do is follow me home and then that's it!" I exclaim, not realizing how late it is. "I'm staying with you until they find something to arrest him for. I won't take no for an answer." He says, stroking my hair, trying to comfort me. "Thank you for being here for me. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." I say, burying my face in his chest more. About 5 minutes later I fall asleep.

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