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The roof was caving in due to the leak in our dingy room, where ever we are is in the middle of no where. I pursed my chapped lips and stared at the moldy ceiling.

Luke was not around but somewhere in the house, after the road trip that I had been asleep for he took me here. I'm pretty sure he drugged me since he's a fucking psycho.

When I awoke I was here, in a dark building. No windows no escape. The door was coated in chains on the outside, you could hear them rattle as he came in.

No amount of screaming and crying could make Luke change his mind or feel sympathy. I had just lost Michael and now I'm being subjected to a kidnap.

Old crusty make up hung onto my worn face, it wasn't my first priority if anyone had noticed. Standing up I looked around.

Wallpaper was peeling, a rotting yellow colour. Wooden furniture populated the room, covered in holes and stains. Carpet was stiff, once it was soft and a white colour but now its a brown green shade.

The sound of chains echoed as Luke decided to come in, he stared at me with a small frown.

"I'm sorry I didn't want it to be like this" I laughed. "Luke you've kidnapped me! Killed my boyfriend and now I'm in some disgusting room. Where are we?"

"I kill a lot of people, this was the home of a family I murdered" My heart rate sped up, if he killed a family does that mean there were children that had felt the cold metal enter their young skin. Or did he suffocate them? I wouldn't be surprised.

"How many have you killed?" Luke dipped his head in disappointment. "I-I don't know, in the hundreds"

My eyes widened, how many of them did I know.

Michael's mum was murdered.

"Luke, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't kill Karen?" He collapsed on the dirty carpet and angrily banged his forehead against the ground. "I fucking did, but I don't feel any regret. You know why?"

He looked up, eyes were bloodshot and face moistened with bitter tears. "Because something is missing in me and you can fix it, Esmee you're what I need to become better. Please fix me, fix me, fix me." Luke's words became jumbled as he stuffed his head into the floor.

"Fuck you Luke, you're a psycho! You need help and it's not me who can give it. But don't worry as soon as I get out of here you're gonna be locked up for a very long time"

What Luke has done is unforgettable and he's a compulsive liar. The worst people are the manipulative ones, who can cry but can't feel a thing. They get what they want by twisting your mind and heart.

"I'm not letting you go Esmee" Luke slammed his fist into the dry wall and it crumbled white powder onto his hand.

With that he pulled the door closed and once again locked me away.

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