Chapter 1: ' You're weird '

Start from the beginning

-so friend ?- I hear the cute guy saying from behind. I almost forgot about him.
- ugh yeah . What did you expected me to say ? ME and a random guy that i don't even know and just met have been attacked ?- I tell him
He didn't say anything he just smirked . Damn he looks good.
-well again you shouldn't have got involved I was doing fine plus you put yourself in danger what's wrong with you- He says with tense
-just fine !? Excuse me but aren't you the one with the bleeding arm ? - I say to him with my famous sarcasm . Yeah I have to say that I'm a very sarcastic person . SorryNotSorry
-I could still get them- He says
-yeah right..- I said rolling my eyes
-and why the hell did you have to call the cops they would be an even worse problem !-
Well lucky for him (I guess) I haven't
- I didn't call the police - I say
-What ?- He says with a confused face
- I mean come on I'm not an idiot if the cops came here it would be a bigger mess and who knows how we would end up. So I played it. And thankfully they bite on it-
-so you're telling me that you made 3 gang members get lost just with a fake police call ?- He says
-yeahh pretty much - I say like it wasn't big of a deal
-you're weird - he says with a smirk on his face and trys to leave
- woah woah woah - I say
-where do you think you're going ?-
-home !?- He says like it's the most obvious thing to say
-are you kidding me ? Your arm is bleeding ! You're going nowhere except from the hospital .- I say firmly to him
- you wish - he says and tries to leave but I block his way
-look thanks for the help today even though I was doing just fine but I'm not going to the hospital and end of story-
- look you're bleeding and you need help I'm not leaving until you accept my help.- I say to him
He hufs
- you don't give up easily do you ?-
-congrats you finally understood it now will you let me help you ?- I say to him
-chill girl - he says to me
-ok fine you can help me,- he tells me
-finally !- I say In relief
- but I'm not going to the hospital - he states
- you're such a dickhead !- I say
- Hey watch what are you saying girl !- he tells while getting closer to me . I guess I pissed him of well someone doesn't know how to joke around. But dear god he is now too close to me . And the light from a lamp that's next to us lights up his face in the dark and boy he looks so damn hot. God focus Angela.
- uhm uhm ok I'm sorry jeez - I say while getting away from his sight beacause I honestly don't know what could possibly happened if I didn't .
-So ..- i say
- since you don't want to go to the hospital the best thing that I can think of is to come to my house and use my emergency kit that has everything you need to kinda fix your arm - I don't know If this is a good idea but he needs help and I mean he helped me, he helped a stranger girl from getting shot by putting his life in danger so he can't do something bad to me at least I wish.
- if it is to get rid of you ...- Well isn't he nice
- you're welcome - I say , again the sarcasm
- where do you leave?- he asks
- it is not to far from here - I say
- ok let's just take my car and I'll drive us there -
- uhm I don't think you have understood but your arm is bleeding and I'm not gonna get in a car with a bleeding armed guy driving -
-you are over reacting I can barely even feel it... aoutch -
-yeah right...-
-where is your car ?-
-over there -
-great give me your keys - I say
- you're kidding !?-
-give me your keys ! - I demand this time
- you think I'm gonna give the keys to my baby to a crazy girl like you ?-
- thanks for the compliment and yes ! If you want me to take care of your arm and get "rid" of me as soon as possible - I say and I think he got the message . 'Surprised'

His car was honestly a dream coming true I can understand why he is calling it his baby. It was a shinny black BMW And Omg was feeling so good driving it.

After a while we got to my house and I set him on the living room while I got upstairs to take the emergency kit. My aunt and uncle where at work so I don't have to worry about them . You see they work in a factory and their hours are from 9pm til 7am so we were ok.

-aoutch be careful there-
-oh don't act like a baby - I tease him while he is honestly dying from the pain from when I put the alcohol on his cut . But what did he expect ? He was the one who didn't wonna go to the hospital . Thankfully the cut wasn't too deep though cause the bullet came accross his arm.
I could hear him curse under his breath and I couldn't help but laugh.
- what's so funny ?- he asks
-you - I answer and it seemed like he didn't expect this answer
- oh so I look funny to you now ?- he says with a " you just dismised my manliness " look
- well I wouldn't say excactly "funny"..' I say while I finish wrapping his arm with tha gaze and get up while continue teasing him. He looks pissed of but I honestly can't help it
- I think the proper word would be ...adorable- I say with a smile
Then he just smirks and suddenly grabs me from my arm and pushes me on the wall looking straight into my eyes or should I say soul..
Damn I don't know what to feel right now but having his beautiful blue eyes starring at me isn't much of a help.
- do not ever call me 'adorable' again- he states
I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say he caught me of guard . And honestly I have to admit that he scared me a little.

This is when he releases me and continues..
-thanks for the help, I hope to never see you again - says and leaves my house
- it was nice to me you to - I say

What a weird guy ! Oh well probably I'll never see him again though . But damn he was hot. Easy there girl.
Ahh tonight was a tough night...I need some ice cream...


Well hello there beautiful ! Welcome to my first chapter of my first ever book feeling special ?😉 you should be😆 Anyways what do you think ? Come on I want to hear your opinions !
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