Chapter 17

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The Charade

Longest moment of silence I've ever encountered.

Everyone was speechless, especially myself. Finding the right words to say was almost impossible, as of right now.

"K-kidnapped?" I had to force it off my tongue.

My parents nodded their heads, slowly. Their nods full of sorrow.

The amount of excitement was overwhelming. I didn't know what to do with myself at that moment.

I was happy and disappointed at the same time. Happy because I could finally love Harry without feeling guilty. But disappointed because I've been lied to all my life by the people I was told I could trust the most.

The pain that my real parents must be feeling right now, or for the last eighteen years must be unbearable.

How have they lived this long without me?

"See," my mom started. I've never been so focused on what someone was saying, "we knew your parents very well. . ."

"We were best friends with them actually." My dad helped my mom out with the explaining.

"Well, one night your parents invited us over for drinks and so we went, obviously, but at that moment in time, I had just had Harry. . ." my mom, (or whoever she was) wiped her nose with a tissue, "I was disappointed that I didn't have a baby girl so I. . .I-,"

"So you kidnapped me." I finished her sentence.

"Yes. And we took you and Harry with us and left your parents house as fast as we could. Once we reached the car, we knew damn well that your parents were going to call the cops on us so we took you two and pretended to get in a car accident." By now, my mom's eyes were red and puffy from the never ending trail of tears. "We crashed the car and ran away, but no one knew that. It was all over the news that we had died and there were funerals for us, which is why we moved all the over here to Alaska. . . "

Harry raised his hand, "where did we live before we came to Alaska?"

"Michigan." My dad answered.

"And this is why you guys found the certificates online."

"We've been monitoring your guys' social networking sites the past couple years, just in case you were to find something out about it. So when we finally found out you guys searched it, we had no choice but to get involved." Explained my dad.

"So you thought it'd be a good idea to keep it a secret from us?" I asked, still shocked on this whole situation.

"We wanted to wait until the right time. . ."

Harry wrapped his arms around my shoulders, giving me a hug from behind. His chin rested on my shoulder.

"We feel terrible, kids." I don't think I've ever seen such a frown on my dad's face.

I'm not going to say it's okay, because it most definitely isn't. But I'm not going to say I hate them for that because i'm afraid that'd be overreacting.

"Skylar, we're afraid that we have to send you away to another foster home now that you know the family secret."

My mom finally broke the news.

Harry immediately stood up when he heard that. "No. You're not taking her away from me. Not now."

"Harry, son, we have to do what's best for our family." My dad tried calming Harry down, I hope he knows that's not going to happen.

"I love Skylar too much to let her go."

I stood up behind Harry, my heart hanging low. I loved him so much, and now I have to leave him.

"I'll pack my things," I say over Harry's shoulder.

He grabbed my hand before I could leave, "no."

"Son, she has to go."

"If you make her leave, I will turn both of you lunatics into the police. Your call." He gritted his teeth.

"Harry!" My mom gasped. "You wouldn't. . ."

"I would."

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