Chapter 2

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The Charade

I couldn't fall asleep that night. All that I could think about was the way my mom acted when I mentioned my biological parents.

She's always been weird about it but never that weird.

I sat up and dangled my feet off the side of the bed, staring at my laptop that was sitting on my desk, charging.

Should I do it?

Should I get my laptop and search who my biological parents are?

Or should I just let it go?

But what if there's a huge secret that I don't know about?

I'm sure there's not, but it's worth a shot.

I stood up and tiptoed to my desk.

Once I got ahold of my laptop, i quietly unplugged the charger and tiptoed back to my bed. Burying myself under the covers.

If anyone finds out I'm searching this, I'll be in so much trouble.

Once it turned on, I instantly clicked the Internet button. My hands were shaking.

Why was I so nervous?

I probably won't find any information anyways.

I typed in my birth name, "Skylar Peterson" and a whole bunch of results came up.

I scrolled through and finally found something that caught my eye.

There was a picture of me.

I clicked it and read what the caption said underneath it:

"Skylar Peterson dies in car crash at young age. . .".


There was a link attached to the web page. It took me to another page with a picture of what looked like a death certificate.

The print was so tiny, i couldn't read it. I zoomed in.

"Skylar Peterson" was bolded at the top of the certificate.

I read on. . .

"April 29th, 1994. . .".

That was only a couple months after I was born.

"Death due to car accident."

I continued to scroll, my hand shaking more and more, faster and faster.

There was a baby picture of me. Underneath it, it read: "Skylar Ann Peterson."

I immediately closed my laptop.

My breathing began to get heavier and heavier and my temperature was rising and rising.

Who am I?

Who is the girl in these pictures?

I'm not dead.

I jumped out of my bed, grabbed my computer and walked carefully out of my bedroom door, down the hall and opened Harry's door.

Thank god for carpeting.

Once I approached Harry's bed, I lightly touched his face and he instantly woke up.

"You scared me." He whispered.

I got up and shut his bedroom door, as quietly as i could. "I'm sorry but this is urgent."

I think he could tell I was panicking because he sat up as soon as i woke him up and and made room for me on his bed.

"What is it?"

I opened up the laptop and let him read the death certificate. "I found this when i searched my name."

He was in awe. "That can't be you. You've never been in a car accident."

"I know, I know. But look. . ." I zoomed out and then zoomed back in to show him my baby picture with my name underneath it, "that's me."

His eyes grew wider, "yeah, I guess it is. . ."

"Harry, what do I do?" I panicked and grabbed his arm tightly.

He took another look at the computer and then looked back at me, "go to bed. We will talk about this in the morning."

I turned off my computer and set it down on his night stand. "Can I sleep in here, with you?"

He nodded his head and made room for me under his covers.

The CharadeWhere stories live. Discover now