Chapter 4

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The Charade

I was sitting on the couch, looking at my "death" certificate when Harry ran in and took my laptop out of my hands.

"Skylar, look." Now he was the one panicking.

He opened up a web page that had a title of "Harry Styles".

Once it was fully loaded on my screen, I looked at it carefully. My heart pounding and pounding.

My jaw dropped when I finished reading.

"Oh my god." Harry and I exchanged scared looks.

"According to this, I'm dead too." His words lingered in my head. I don't like this.

I clicked the settings on my computer and started to print both death certificates.

Harry grabbed my wrist, "what are you doing?"

"I have to show mom and dad." I got loose of Harry's grip on my wrist and continued to print.

Harry grabbed the computer and held it close to his chest so I couldn't finish. "You're not showing these to mom and dad."

I tried grabbing my laptop out of his hands but he stood up.

"Harry, give me the computer." I stood up and tore the computer out of his arms. "This is not a joke."

"I know it isn't Skylar, but you can't just ask them about this kind of stuff!"

"Sure I can." I finally clicked the print button and heard the printer start up in the other room.

I threw a pillow at Harry before leaving the family room.

He pretended like it hurt and he fell to the ground.

"Come on Harry." I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me into the kitchen, where the printer was.

Harry walked over to the fridge while I walked over to the printer.

There was nothing on the printer tray. "What?" I asked aloud.

"What now?" Harry walked over to me with a vine of grapes in his hands.

I looked all around the printer. Above, below, to the right, to the left. . . Nothing.

"I know I printed them." I glanced at Harry.

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked.

"Harry, they were printing. I heard the printer!"

My dad walked into the kitchen from the basement. A huge smile on his face. "Hey kids!" He screamed.

Harry sat on the counter and finished his grapes.

"Dad, I think the printer broke." I said.

"What'd you do now Skylar?" He chuckled and walked out of the kitchen.

Something caught my eye as he was leaving. There a was paper folded and tucked into his back pocket.

Did he have the papers that I printed?

He walked out before I had a chance to ask him any questions.

I looked at Harry quickly, "I think he had the papers." I whispered.

Harry rolled his eyes, "will you just calm down?"

I shook my head, "no, that's not possible." I combed my fingers through my hair, frustrated, and continued to search the printer. "Go get my computer." I ordered to Harry.

He slid off the counter and dragged his feet to the family room.

After about three minutes he walked back into the kitchen, his eyes wide. He looked scared.

"Skylar, look. . ." He handed me the laptop and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Two more death certificates were opened on my computer.

Madeline and Johnny Styles.

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