Chapter 10

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The Charade

"Harry, I really hope you realize what you just did." I warned him.

He looked at me and I gave him a stern look.

He didn't answer me.

We drove in silence the next twenty minutes.

Once we parked the car, Harry got out and slammed his door shut. Not even walking over to my side to open my door.

He walked straight towards the mall doors. Never looking back.

My phone disrupted me from continuing to watch Harry.

I was getting a call from my mom.


My finger hovered the answer button and I debated whether or not I should answer it.

"Hello?" I couldn't listen to it ring any longer.

"Hi honey, how are you and Harry doing?" She sounded tired.

I searched for the appropriate words to say, "we're good."


"Where did you guys go this morning?" I questioned her.

"We ran some errands." She paused.

"Well I have to go Sky, we will talk later."

Then she hung up.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the head rest, letting out a frustrated breath.

Why is everyone acting so different?

I tried opening the car door but Harry locked me in. I could just unlock it from the inside but then I wouldn't be able to lock it when I get out.

I slammed my fists on the dashboard, violently and hung my head.

"Idiot." I whispered, talking about Harry.

Just then I realized how done I am with Harry and his obnoxious behavior lately.

He was the one that convinced me to find my biological parents and then once I finally gave in and did it, he tells me to stop.

The information I found out about our family was so important and he doesn't even care. He's beginning to worry me.

Does he know something I don't?

It wasn't very long until Harry walked back to the car and tapped on the passenger side window.

I looked it at him out of the corner of my eye. An angry look on my face. My eyes rolled.

The doors unlocked and Harry walked over to the driver's side. He opened the door and slid into the car.

Buckling my seatbelt, I kept quiet.

"I'm sorry." He expressed with only little emotion.

Is that it?


No explanation?

I still remained silent, looking ahead, out of the windshield.

He adjusted and glanced at me, then looking forward again.

My jaw grew tight. I had to stop myself from letting go and screaming at Harry for his behavior lately. I'm not his mother and he'd get angry if I critiqued him.

My eyes focused on outside, watching all the happy people walking together. They looked so relaxed, like they could care less about everything else in their lives. The only thing they focused on was who they were with and how special that person was to them.

I stopped paying attention to the people. As it only makes me feel more disappointed.

I continued the rest of the ride home staring at my hands. Cold, pale and lonely.

Harry moved out of the corner of my eye. He turned off the radio and continued driving.

Not much time passed before he grabbed my hand. He held onto it tightly.

My hands immediately warming up. My heart immediately feeling happy.

We looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

I observed Harry's beautiful face. Like a porcelain doll. No blemishes. Just perfection. His skin had always been so smooth.

I focused my eyes into Harry's, that were fixed on my lips.

That's when I let go of his hand and quickly turned the radio back on.

Harry abruptly turned it off again and grabbed my hand.

This time, I didn't dare look back into his eyes. Afraid that he might not understand why I jumped.

"Skylar?" His hand carefully met my chin, turning it to look at him again. "I said I'm sorry."

I observed his eyes again, trying to find the right words to say. I just ended up smiling.

He smiled back, his bright white teeth sparkled.

"Apology accepted." I accepted.

His eyes focused on the road again and he continued to smile.

We finally showed up at home.

Our parents' car was in the driveway and the garage was open.

As we unbuckled our seat belts, Harry looked at me, "mom better not have gone in your room while we were gone."

Was that why he was so tense all day?

"Chill out Harry," I ordered.

We got out of the car and both walked up the driveway and into the garage door.

Harry squeezed my hand tightly.

Why is he so afraid of my parents finding the papers?

I'm not even that scared.

We looked into each other's eyes and smiled again.

My mom was making dinner in the kitchen and my dad was sitting at the table reading the paper, complaining about something.

They welcomed Harry and I, like normal.

We turned the corner and were in the hallway.

"So far so good." Harry whispered.

We climbed the stairs and went our separate ways once we reached the top of the stair case.

I went into my room and he went into his.

Yes, I told Harry to relax and not worry about my mom coming into my room while we were gone, but ever since Harry mentioned it, I've been nervous.

My mom doesn't usually go into my room without permission but she has been acting odd lately. And she isn't the only one acting odd, I'll admit I have been too, which is why she could've came in here.

I wasn't certain that she did, but I still checked anyways. I cautiously walked over to my pillows.

Before lifting them up, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

The papers still better be under there.

I stopped anticipating and finally gained the courage to lift them up.

I almost fell to the ground when I fixed my eyes on my bare mattress.

They were gone.

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