Chapter 11

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The Charade

Debating whether or not I should tell Harry right now or not, I sat on my bed. My hand gripping my forehead. The blood in my head pounding and pounding.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

My mom did come in here.

I immediately sprang off my bed and frantically searched my room for the four most important papers that I've ever held in my bare hands.

They were no where to be found.

Of course.

Now I have to break the news to Harry.

My head hung low as I dragged my feet to Harry's bedroom.

I knocked lightly, my arm feeling oddly heavy.

The doorknob rapidly twisted and the door swung open.

There stood Harry, a hopeful look on his face. I felt even worse when my eyes met with his. "Please tell me they're-,"

I interrupted him, "they're gone Harry. They're gone."

He stared at me for a good three minutes. No words. I've never before heard silence quite that loud.

Harry pushed passed me in the doorway and walked to my room like an angry New Yorker; frustrated and annoyed.

"Harry I looked everywhere!" I followed after him and snatched his arm so he couldn't continue any further.

He yanked his arm out of my tight grip, hitting me in the nose while doing it. He hit me rather hard.

Whenever Harry gets this angry, there's no stopping him.

A smart person will let him do his thing. A normal person will stop him.

I let him go.

He furiously threw every single one of my pillows to the ground and tore my bed apart.

Swear words flying out of his mouth like there was no tomorrow.

The sound of shattering glass caught my attention.

Harry threw a pillow and hit my picture frame. The picture inside of me and him when we were little.

"Harry!" I screamed. He continued searching. "Harry! Stop!"

There was no stopping him. I've now waited too long.

I marched towards him and pinned him to my bed.

His face was redder than the blood that was starting to drip out of my nose, from his hard punch.

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and it stopped dripping immediately.

He was trying his hardest to get free of my sturdy grip.

He wasn't having much luck.

"Hey, listen up here Harry," I said firmly, "you have no right to be angry, you hear?"

His body was finally starting to relax. But I could still tell he was trying to be released.

"You've been asking me questions about my biological parents for as long as I can remember." My grip loosened only a little. "It was your idea to look them up, so do not act like you had nothing to do with this!"

I let go of him. He sat up. The look on his face would tell you that he wasn't going to scream, but his face was


"It was your genius idea to put the papers under your pillow!" The veins in his neck popped out even more than usual. "So, don't give me shit. I don't even want you to be my sister. You're such a greedy little diva that thinks you can come into this family and get whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want."

I backed up into my dresser, knocking everything down.

I snatched up a picture of Harry and I and chucked it at him.

"I've always hated this family!" I yelled as I stormed out of my room, my parents walking in. Their jaws dropping when they saw what a mess my room was.

I violently pushed passed them and ran down the stairs, holding a tissue to my nose, sobbing.

I locked myself inside the bathroom and took a seat on the closed toilet.

The only thought that was in my mind was; what about the certificates?

I could care less about Harry or how angry my parents might be.

Those certificates were so important to me. More important to me than to Harry. Which is why I'm confused on why Harry is angrier than I am.

I heard yelling coming from upstairs. It was Harry and my dad arguing. My mom trying to get them to stop, she didn't sound very successful.

I listened closely, forgetting that there was an air vent in the bathroom that led right up into my room. I remained silent.

"What the hell is going on Harry?" My dad yelled.

There was a pause before Harry finally spoke, "I want her gone, dad. She's trouble."

A sarcastic laugh from my dad, "She is no where close to trouble, son."

"Let him talk, Johnny," said my mom.


If Harry mentions anything about me finding the certificates, I will hurt him. And I won't be afraid.

Harry spoke, "she acts so sweet and innocent and all my life I thought I loved her like a sister but she's so fake."

I couldn't believe my ears.

He's such a liar.

I decided not to listen anymore.

I walked over to the sink and cupped some water in my hands, splashing it in my face.

If Harry wants to play that game, then consider me in.

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