ı 01 ı Clear

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"Seems it's only been a moment since the angels took him from her arms. But as they laid him in the ground, her heart would sing without a sound."

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TRANQUILITY. It was all I had ever wanted, all I had hoped for the very moment I awakened from the tomb. I remember opening my eyes for the first time as Pearl fed me some blood. I remember how alive I felt, how happy I had been once I had realized I was alive. After I entered the new chaotic world, all I had wanted was to find peace within myself. To find the calm in the storm.

Now, two years after awakening from the tomb I find myself still wanting the same thing. For a split second in my life I had thought I had found tranquility. I thought I had finally felt alive again as I was the happiest I could be, but that all went downhill too fast for me to process.

It's been about a year and a half since I moved away from Mystic Falls, and to be honest I don't miss the little town. There's nothing left for me there anyways. I know I still have family and friends, but I haven't talked to any of them in over two months. The last person I heard from was Damon, as we use to keep in touch every month, but now we've gone radio silent. As for Caroline and Stefan, I haven't talked or made communication with them in such a long time, I forget what their voices sound like. I know it's bad and I know they don't deserve to be ignored, but deep down whenever I think of them, it reminds me too much of the things I've lost- of the person I lost. 

As for Joel, we don't really see each other even though we live in the same city. I don't know why but we both found ourselves in Atlanta. Theo and I live on the edge of the city in the more suburban area while Joel lives somewhere downtown where he spends his nights bartending at a local bar. It's a perfect job really, as he can slip himself booze whenever he likes and still make money. It's something I would love to do, but I have permanently banded alcohol of any kind in my new house. 

I've realized how often I turned to bourbon for comfort, and I hate that I use to just give up instead of facing my emotions. Besides, now I have a little human to look after and I can't have myself tempted by the liquid, or else my brain will go foggy and numb. 

I have a new job now, and I'm happy to say it's something I deeply enjoy. James told me to do what I love, and I feel that by working at this job I have fulfilled his wishes, and that was all I ever wanted to do. I just want to make James happy.

"Can you please stop that incessant clicking?" I mutter to my co-worker, Logan,  who sits beside me.

Logan pops his head up from the sound of my voice, his thumb hovering above the top of his pen where he was clicking it. I watch him from the corner of my eyes, just waiting for him to click his stupid pen one more time. However, his thumb doesn't move, so I turn my eyes back to my drawing in front of me.

But as soon as my eyes land back on my page, he begins to click his pen again, like he's asking for a war. "You know what, asshole?" I snap jokingly, although I am annoyed. I move from my chair positioned across from him and move towards him when suddenly Christina, another one of our co-workers rolls her chair over to us.

"Are you guys fighting again? Without me?" Christina whines.

"Do you want to have the honours of snapping his pen in half?" I ask, glaring at Logan.

"Hell no, are you kidding me? I need this pen to do my work. If you break it, I tell Cheryl," Logan warns. I'm about to grab his pen anyways until he mentions Cheryl, our evil boss.

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