Chapter Thirty Two

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"And there's no remedy, for memory

Your face is like a melody,

It won't leave my head.

Your soul is haunting me and telling me

That everything is fine

But I wish I was dead"

-Lana Del Rey 


Chapter Thirty Two


Everything around me stopped. I couldn't feel anyone or anything. I just kept still. I could only think about her and her name was echoing in my mind. 

I took the next step after a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. I kept figuring out what I should do? How should I to talk to her? How would I explain everything to her? I was scared. I had never been this scared.

I took another step and stopped both of them. I wanted to do this alone. I didn't want to scare her.

I was so close to her and I could finally see her through those glasses. She looked a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, I felt like smiling. I felt relieved that she was safe and sound. She was working here?

Her hair was shorter. What why? Stop it Zayn!

I stayed a few steps away from the window. I wanted her to notice me. I hoped that she would.

I heard the door open at my side but my eyes were fixed on Faith.

"Zayn what are you doing here?" I think that it was Ellie. But Torres stopped her from coming near me.

Next moment everything stopped. She looked at me.

She came back to the counter and while placing the tray on the counter, she noticed me. She dropped the cloth she was holding in her hand and I saw that expression on her face that I never wanted to. She was scared. I know she was. I could feel that.

I took a step closer to the window and there was only a thin glass between us. She looked as pale as a ghost.

I couldn't bear to see her looking scared just because of me. I wanted to run away but I couldn't.

After one fucking month, I finally saw her but I felt like running away because she looked that frightened when her eyes met mine.

She took a step closer and slid across the bench, coming face to face with me. But that glass was between us. I wanted to break it so bad and just hold her in my arms.

I touched the glass as if I could feel her through it and she did the exact same. She placed her hand over the glass just where I kept my hand.

She was crying, I was crying...we both were crying.

I didn't want her to cry... it pained me to see her cry. I couldn't even imagine what she would have felt when she left London.

She was looking at me with her big blue eyes which looked like an ocean and I could see the pain in her eyes. She was fisting her hand, like she was trying to hold my hand but I was too far. We were so close yet so far away. I wanted to just go inside and hold her tightly in my arms but I couldn't. I did so much damage I couldn't bring myself to go on the other side...yet. I wanted her to take all the time she needed.

She whispered my name and sat down on that bench, crying. I also slid down on the floor and just stayed there looking at her. I had broken her immensely.

I noticed that she was wearing the ring I gave her in her neck like a pendent. It broke my heart to see that. It felt like someone twisted a knife in my heart repeatedly.

Suddenly, she got up and gave me one last look before running over to an old man who just nodded to her. She came back to the entry door and I saw her without any glass separating us. But she didn't even look at me and started running in the other direction, turning towards the back of the diner.

She was running away from me.

*Faith's POV*

Was that real? Was he really there? Or did I just dream it? No he was definitely there. Oh my god, what I am supposed to do? I couldn't think straight in front of him. Leaving him in London was the only move I have ever made which was also because of the fact that he was not present there.

What would I do now?

I was shaking and I dropped something which I didn't know. He was here. Why I am feeling relieved? I felt so stupid! He cheated on me!

Before I could even stop myself and start walking towards him. I know I am stupid enough but I know I was inside the diner and he was outside. I just wanted to see him and at the same time maintain the distance. I wasn't sure how my mind was processing and my body performing all that but it was still working.

God! I could feel is so stupid and the man I have always loved was standing there and I couldn't resist my urge to feel him through this glass door. He was crying....and I guess I did too. He looked devilish but in his usual sexy way. But he looked terrible and for some reason I wanted to listen what he had to say. Why did he come all the way here just to see me? Why? Doesn't he have Victoria? But I was too scared to hear him out.

I was not even surprised that he found me. It's funny that what we think was a great idea turned out to be a poor one. My life had become a series of terrible things.

I looked at him straight in the eyes and what I saw or felt was remorse. Why was he doing that? Why was he making me feel vulnerable again? I already had enough.

I placed my hand against the glass and he did the same and I swear I felt that... that connection which I had always felt for him from the very first day I met him.

God! I love him....

"Zayn..." I said it and everything went crashing down that minute. I couldn't even support myself.
After I left London, this was the first time I said his name out loud. I know he saw me whispering his name. pained so bad to say his name out loud. It felt like someone was sucking the air out of my lungs.

Why was it so hard? Why was love so hard and so fucked up?

I looked at him and he was also on his knees, just looking at me and crying. I looked at his hand and he was still wearing the ring that I gave him. And I didn't. Why was he wearing it still? Wasn't he the one that ended everything publicly without even telling me?

Suddenly the realization of where I came from, who I was and who he was came crashing down on me.

I needed to go. I just needed to be away from him for now! I couldn't look at him, he made me feel helpless and out of my fucking mind.

I gathered all the strength which was basically non-existent in me and ran. I just gave him a quick look because I know I would stop right there if I looked too closely. My heart ached for him and I couldn't see him sad and heartbroken. And I still didn't know why he was here?

But it wasn't the time for me to know. I needed time for myself. I wanted to hide from him. I wanted to be away from him.

I was just too scared to be around him... because I know how toxic and captivating he was and I was just madly in love with him. 


Hi guys hope you like the chapter. and yes i know they didn't talk!!! and Faith ran away. I am sorry! it will happen soooon :)

vote and comment thanks :) 

love you all. 

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