-Chapter. 3-

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Class went by rather quickly and soon you found yourself walking out of the school doors. Alone.

Jade coming home with you because Karkat wanted her to come home with him, and as for Dave, well, last time you saw him he was arguing with Dirk as they walked down the hall together.

Dirk, smirking and obviously teasing Dave about something, and Dave totally losing his cool.

Currently you were getting in your car and before you even had a chance to drive off a violent tapping on your passenger window nearly makes you jump out of your seat.

Quickly you catch your breath and roll down the window.

"Is there something you need?" You ask as Dirk's face becomes more clear.

"Yeah. A ride. Please?" He asks getting in the car before you could answer.

"I didn't say yes but okay." You mumbled under your breath driving out of the school parking lot.

"My address is-" you cut him off before he could finish. "I already know where you live."

He gives you an odd almost creeped out look at first but then quickly smirks.

"So then are you the girl Dave was talking about yesterday?" He asks.

You could already feel your face warm up as you take a deep breath so your words don't stamper.

"No. Well I'm not sure if he was talking about me, but we live in the same apartment. I'm the one up the stairs like directly in front of the stair case."

He nods along with your talking as he waits for you to finish.

There was a pause for a minute until he broke the silence.

"Do you like him?" He asks smirking again. You were starting to grow to hating that smug smile.

"Of course not! I just met him yesterday!" You tell trying to stay more focused on the road to keep your cool.

"So?" He asks. You could feel his smirk burning through the side of your head.

"So? What do you mean so? One day isn't enough time to know if I love him or not."

Uh oh. You thought, lightly touching your cheek. My face is probably as red as their car.

"I never said love. I asked if you liked him, I could of been talking friend wise but I don't know where your mind's going...." He trailed off making you blush harder (if that was even possible).

"We're here." You loosen your grip on the steering wheel.

"I'm not getting out until you admit it." He says crossing his arms and leaning back more.

"Admit what?" You ask; of course you knew you just didn't want to answer so you stalled.

"You know what." Damn it.

"Well Strider, have fun sitting in the car." You get out of the car and close the door behind you. Quickly after you get out you hear his door close and his footsteps behind you.

You unlock the door and slip into the building, he follows after and grabs your arm before you can go up the stairs.

"Admit it." He looks straight at you.

"No." You answer looking coldly at him.

"Fine; then I'll just tell him that the whole car ride all you did was talk about how hot he was and how much you want that Strider bod." He crosses his arms as he teases you.

"You wouldn't." You snark at him, crossing your arms as well.

"You want to bet on that, doll?" He leans in, that stupid smirk coming back.

"Not in a million years." You give him another cold look.

"Then admit it or I'm telling him.~"

You were getting rather annoyed at this point.

"I'm not admitting it, and don't tell Dave those things!" You yell completely ignoring the sound of the unlocking door behind Dirk.

"Don't tell me what things..?"

You gasp a little, not loud enough for the two twins to hear but loud enough to signal your heart to beat like fuck.

"Oh well, Dave, (Y/n) was just say-"

"FINE." You shout getting both of their attention. Dave looking rather confused and Dirk smiling overjoyed.

"I admit it asshole, but it stays between us!" You turn and continue your walk up the stairs and enter your apartment.

Dave's pov

"What just happened? Why were you with her? What were you two talking about?" I ask quickly getting angrier at my twin.

"Why are you getting so defense?" He asked.

Uh oh

I felt like he knew, just because of the way he was looking at me, that I liked her. A lot.

"I'm not, I'm just confused." I lied pushing past him and opening the door to our apartment.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like her, Dave."

I felt my heart sink as he said that.

No, he's not doing this.

"So what if I do?" I tried to play it off cool but he looked right past that, he always did.

"Well if you do, I could probably get her over here to hang out often; get her closer with you." I saw the glint in his eyes past our shades.

There's no way in hell that I trust this douche bag. I thought, but I tried my best to go along with it.

"You'd do that?" I asked 'getting my hopes up.'

I knew what he was doing, he was gonna try to take (Y/n) for shits and giggles and to get under my skin.

"Yeah sure. But when you guys hang out I'm gonna be there, too." He says holding out his hand for me to shake.

"We got a deal?"

I hesitantly put my hand to his.


Word Count: 954 words

Strider Strife ((Dave x Reader x Dirk))Where stories live. Discover now