Chapter 11: Dragon Tattoo

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~•~•~•~• Dream State•~•~•~•~

It's suffocating.

I can't breathe, someone's holding my neck. I can't hold open my eyes, or my mouth. I can only hear voices, but they're all mushed together. They're even taunting me at everything I do or everything I did.

I started to tear up as my throat started to burn and itch. I tried pushing them off but, someone's holding down all my limbs. Then I started to feel a piercing pain that shoot through my back and I started to scream.

Nothing was heard and I felt hopeless. I want to move, I want to live were the only thoughts that stuck to my conscious. I want to move, but my body is failing me. Suddenly I started to feel my limbs being drag down. I started to smell the thick ash smoke mixed in with smell of cherry blossoms?

It started to drag me down and I started to feel myself submerged into the thick goo.

I can't breathe.
I'm cold.
I'm scared.
Someone save me.


I woke up and I felt a damp, cold towel pat my head relieving it of its hot sweat dripping off my face. I opened my (E/C) eyes and they slowly fluttered as it focused on the person doing it. "Yoon, she's breathing heavy. What do I do?!" I heard Yona's voice but it sounded so faint. It was like a baby pup wailing at the moon.

"I'm trying to make the ointment and some medication! Just keep on patting her head." I heard Yoon's voice but it was even more harder to hear. I looked to see Yona's giant brown eyes pierce through my vary soul, she started to tear up.

"I'll take care of you! I'll never make sure I'll leave you again so don't leave me." She said and her cries muffle my ears. I slowly started to moved my eyes towards her and I tried my best to put my hand on her's. I used all my strength and finally did it.

"Is that a promise?" I barely said with a cough breaking up through my voice. My voice sounded like a thick coat of goo was sliding down my throat making my voice sound like a gurgling fish. I started to cough and this time it sounded more serious. I even made Hak wake up and I started to spit up blood.

"(Y/N)!" Yona screamed and Yoon ran to give a cup with tea within it.

"Take it now!" He command as if he was an general sending his troops into battle. I took it all in one shot and my head started to feel hazy. Then I felt them slowly put my back onto the futon.

"Go to sleep (Y/N)." Yona said as she closed her eyes and bowed her head as if she was praying. I slightly nodded and she started to tear up. A tear slowly fell onto my cheek and rolled off.

I blinked but my eyelids got heavier. I blinked again and I slowly felt my conscious slipping. I blinked but his time they didn't open. This time I stayed asleep and for some reason I was surrounded by mist. Five dragons swirled around me and I stood there in amazement. I looked down to see myself dressed in a white kimono with red obi with a yellow, blue, and green bow. I looked at them and for some reason I knew all of them. For the same reason they knew me.


Yoon POV

I stare at the wound (Y/N) was given, she was bitten by a snake and didn't even notice. It was already in her bloodstream before I could get to it. She is so careless sometimes just like her sister. I'm just a poor pretty boy, not an miracle angel.

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