meeting & school :( ;;15

Magsimula sa umpisa


adrianna:*laughs and walks over to her and sits down*

sarah:hey,andrew he saw you

adrianna:yeah,looks like we all go to the same cool

sarah:thats so cool

adrianna:yeah,cause now i know people....well it's only 3 but you get what i mean

sarah:yeah,so how is it with your crazy fun new family?

adrianna:so fun,wat 'bout you?

sarah:well,my sister ran into a door

adrianna:was it see-threw?

sarah:nope,it was green

adrianna:was she looking were she was going?


adrianna:then how?

sarah:i have no idea

ms.ledge:LISTEN UP CLASS! we have a new student today,*looks at adrianna* will you like to introduce yourself

adrianna:*gets up* hi,am adrianna brooks

girl.1.:hey arent you jai's and ariana's kid?

adrianna:yeah,their my perants

girl.2.:that is so cool

boy.1.:who cares about that,she's hot

boy.2.:no kidding

adrianna:*lies* i have a boyfriend


ms.ledge:watch your voice

girl.3.:yeah,no girl that hot will be single

everybody:*looks at her like 'da fuck'

girl.3.:I HEARD IT!!

adrianna:*sits down*

sarah:*wispers* put your phone on silente

adrianna:k * does it* why?

sarah:you'll see

adrianna:*gets a message*Am bored she never does anything diffrent so you wont miss anything

(A):so you guys learn this all the time?

(S):yaa,so who you have a BF huhh?

(A):nope classic lie

(S):smart 1

(A):i no


sarah:come on let go meet the guys



sarah:hey guys *kiss' alex*


alex:hey it's true you do come here


alex:well they have plain sandwhiches,so.....subway?



adrianna:you know for a privaite school,they surve bad thing's

sarah:tell me about it


alex:finally some good food

adrianna:damn,this boy can eat!


andrew:*well lets go back,were gonna get in trouble


sarah:we arent aloud to leave school,but we do

adrianna:o.k.,lets go back then


adrianna:were do we sit?

sarah:i don-

populars:hey come over here,and leave all the losers alone,nobody like them

adrianna:k *walks near the table than goes to the table with the girl on it* SORRY MY LEGS DON'T WANT ME TO GO THEIR!!!

everybody:*laughs at them*

popular:SHUT UP *leaves*

adrianna:*laguhs and sits down* hi,am adrianna,these are my friends sarah,andrew and alex

mackenzie:are you talking to me?

adrianna;yeah,pretty what's your name?

mackenzie:mackenzie.mackenzie gomez

adrianna:cool name

mackenzie:but my family calls me mac

adrianna:mac? well am gonna call you kenzie

mackenzie:kenzie? i dont know that sounds cool


mackenzie:me and cool dont mix

adrianna:well,thats what am gonna call you

mackenzie:k,but why are you sitting here?

adrianna:well,it was this or the popular bitches,so you

mackenzie:*laughs* thanks,i guess

adrianna:it's cool,and now i have 4 friends


adrianna:yeah,sarah,andrew,alex,and you


sarah:well,we are just gonna go so bye

adrianna:bye guys


adrianna:but after school we are going shopping


adrianna:well,your pretty,but your outfits are....well,not so pretty

mackezie:k,but do i have to stop wearing these skirts?

adrianna:who wears lone jean skirts these day's?

mackezie:sadly you have a point

adrianna:yup *laughs*


well thats all for today :))

Adopted ( Ariana Grande & Jai Brooks Fan-Fic )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon