Chapter One: Evelyn and Strawberry Cheesecake

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One: "A party without cake is just a meeting"

Andy's POV

THE MINUTE I SET my eyes on her, I knew in an instant, I was in love. She was standing there, completely oblivious to my feelings, looking incredibly gorgeous despite the fact she was tired tending to the customers and all that. It was a rainy Sunday morning and I was on my way to visit my parents on their apartment, to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary when I decided to make a detour at a café I'd never been into in the small town.

And that was, hands down, the best decision I had ever made in my life.

This woman was incredibly gorgeous and my stomach was doing some kind of funny summersault that I kept wanting to throw up it was hilarious. Her long tress of hair was colored gold, shimmering under the sunlight and I found the desire to run my fingers through those luscious locks. And even, bury my face in them and get lost in scents of flowers and berries.

I wasn't sure of the scent of her hair though, but I knew it was flowers and berries, somehow. I could feel it in my bones. You do or say funny things when you're in love, so tone down the judgements, will you?

Sipping the cup of coffee I had in my hand, I continued staring at her - in the most discreet and tactful way I could muster - and found myself smiling when she did, talking to an old woman of a customer. She had such a lovely laughter and I was fully enthralled by the melodious sound. I knew I had to make a move - someway, somehow - but I just had to seek for the perfect moment and it definitely wasn't now.

Heck, I didn't even know her name. Granted, it was written on the tag she was wearing on her breast pocket but I was too bewitched by her beauty to notice. Falling in love on first sight is just hilarious that way, I'm sure if not you, at least someone can relate.

"Evelyn, why don't you go and take a break? It is time, isn't it?" A plump woman, probably in her mid-40s came out of the storage room and I thanked the God for that. "Go on, sweetie. I'll take care of it here,"

Evelyn... what a beautiful name.

I then watched with a small smile as Evelyn's cheeks reddened, as if embarrassed by the offer. "Are you sure?" She spoke, her voice shook my bones - in a good way, of course. "There's a lot of customers to serve,"

The previous woman smiled warmly at her and made a flippant wave, saying, "I don't mind, sweetie. Go on, then. You only have thirty minutes left,"

Nodding her head, Evelyn then took off her apron and made her way towards the back room and emerged a few minutes later with a slice of chocolate cake and a cup in her hands. She then sat on an empty table by the corner, tucking her hair to the back of her ear. I watched, enchanted, as she giggled softly the minute she ate a small portion of her chocolate cake.

Apparently, Evelyn was in love with cakes. Well, now that I think about it, Evelyn was more of a curvier woman than a bony one. But oh God, it was all in the right places. I could spend endless of nights exploring her enticing curves and soft, milky skin without feeling bored. I could just imagine having her full and plump ass in both my hands as I kissed her mouth vigorously. Stop imagining lewd things about Evelyn, you ass! This is your chance! Approach her!

Clearing my throat, I quickly checked my appearance on the window and turned towards her again, trying to find the perfect moment to make an approach. Currently, she was eating the cake happily when suddenly, she frowned looking at the table and checking her pockets for something. Ah, perfect! Grabbing the tissue from my table, I then slowly made her way towards her - trying so hard not to pin her down on the table and kiss her senseless - and took out the tissue.

It Begins [BOOK 1] ✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant