Chapter 18: Just Put Your Spell On Him

Start from the beginning

"Yet again, you are sent to sweet-talk me, love." Klaus laughed ironically without turning to face Caroline.

"Well, I thought that you might not warm up that much if it was Elijah who tried to coo you." Caroline couldn't help but joke dryishly.

"True." Klaus agreed. He said nothing else and it was pure torture to Caroline.

"Seriously?" Caroline finally blurted. "What's the problem this time?"

Klaus turned quickly and step so close to Caroline that his face was just few inches away from hers. In any other moment, Caroline would have been tempted to give Klaus a quick kiss, but not this time. Caroline rarely saw the beast side of Klaus but there it definitely was.

"You came up with the plan without my approval. No wonder I'm not agreeing." Klaus hissed threateningly.

"Are you saying our plan sucks?" Caroline tried to interrogate. "Because were still going to go through with it."

"Yes. 'It sucks' as you let me put it in your words." Klaus answered bluntly. "And no, you're not." He said stubbornly.

"How come?" Caroline challenged. She knew how risky it was to push Klaus like thst but she needed to find out. "I don't see any better plans around here."

"You know how uncomfortable it is for me when you put yourself in dangerous situations?" Klaus said in a sweet yet extremely sarcastic way.

"Poor excuse." Caroline noted, pushing Klaus's limits. "I've been through a lot worse. Distracting Marcel is piece of cake."

"Why are you so eager to throw yourself in these kind of situations and play some sort of heroin?!? Are you possibly compensating something, love?" Klaus asked poisonously.

"No, I'm trying to use Marcel's weaknesses, which is an obvious crush on me, against him the best way I can." Caroline felt a burst of rage bubbling inside of her because of what Klaus had suggested but she kept her cool.

Klaus turned his back to her. "Like you did with me." He said, his voice extremely tensed.

"Excuse me?" Caroline asked.

"Like you did with me. Back in the days, with your friends. You were always the one who was sent to distract me." Klaus explained.

"And...?" Caroline wasn't following.

"Look, who you ended up with." Klaus shouted. "Your sworn enemy!?! How can I know it won't happen again?!?"

Caroline was shocked. She knew that Klaus had had serious trust issues in the past with everybody, especially with his family, but Caroline never knew that Klaus migt have had any doubts about her affection. She walk directly behind Klaus and forced him to turn to face her.

"Seriously?" Caroline looked Klaus straight in the eyes. "Are you afraid... That I... Might fall for Marcel?"

Klaus pouted to Caroline, his expression was 'death serious'.

"You're impossible." Caroline murmured and continued more out loud. "I don't have a tendency to fall for every 'enemy'... You're a special case."

Caroline placed her hands on sides of Klaus's head and crash her lips against his. Caroline kissed Klaus so hard that she hoped it might convince him how ridiculous the idea of her falling for Marcel was. Caroline parted herself from Klaus and found his eyes. She leaned her forehead against his and spoke quietly.

"What I did in the past I can't change. All I can say is that I'm sorry. It was a different time, different place, you were different and so was I. But this..." Caroline paused... "This is real. And when it is real, you can't walk away. I'm not going anywhere, Klaus. I'm not leaving you, do you hear me!? Yes, first you were my enemy, then you became my friend... And now you are the love of my life! You have given me a family of my own, yourself and Lucas. I know that I wouldn't be able to walk away from you, even if I wanted to. But I don't... Want to... Walk away from you. Ever. I never will." Caroline was gasping air. "So don't you ever think that I would change everything what we have to Mar..."

Caroline wasn't able finish her sentence since Klaus had pulled her in to a desperate kiss. It tasted salty, because of the tears they both shedded. Klaus and Caroline tangled around each other, urged to as close as they could to each other. Klaus buried his face in Caroline's golden locks and muttered:

"I really needed to hear that."

"Don't you ever question my affection to you, never ever again!" Caroline said severely.

Klaus chuckled in Caroline's hair and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Caroline."

"I love you too." Caroline answered. "Does this mean that you approve our plan now?" Caroline asked hopefully.

"I still don't like you putting yourself in danger." Klaus complained but obviously he was already little amused.

"Well, in that case we need to make sure that you're close enough so you can come and rescue me if something goes wrong." Caroline said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I might rip Marcel's head off if he gets too close with you.." Klaus murmured.

"I'm counting on your self-possession, love." Caroline tried to imitate Klaus's British accent. Klaus squeezed her harder and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Everything is going to be just fine. You really need to more optimistic."

"if you have been around for a thousand years..." Klaus complained, "You can't help but grow a little pessimistic, since most of the time, things don't turn out how you wanted."

"Oh shut up and kiss me!" Caroline cried out and pulled Klaus closer into a sweet kiss.

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