"It's just, she's kept me a secret all these years, nobody knew about me. She wouldn't let me make any accounts with our last name, I couldn't even take pictures with her unless it was family pictures. I just don't understand why she wanted to keep me a secret so bad, and why isn't she now" I said saying everything that came to mind.

"Well did you try to talk to her"

"Yea and everytime I bring it up she just looks away and pretends like she hasn't kept me a secret for the past 4 years"

"Give her time, she'll come around. Maybe she's still trying to figure it out herself" she said softly.

"Maybe, I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like she's ashamed to have me as her sister"

"That's not true, I'm sure she had a good reason for it" she said.

"Yea I guess, but anyways, what are you doing tomorrow" I asked scratching my stomach.

"Nothing so far, why"

"Well I was thinking maybe we could go on that date tomorrow" I suggested

"Yea sure, just tell me when and what to wear"

"Will do babe" I replied

*Next day*

I rang the doorbell to the Cabello household with a flower in my hand. Sofi had opened the door smiling at me. "Hey little one" I said bending down to her height ruffling her hair. She made a face before giggling. "Hi Y/N"

"Do you know where your sister is" I asked the smaller girl. "She's getting her jacket" she said looking at something behind her. I nodded in response, "Are you and Kaki dating" she asked surprising me.

"Um, have you asked your sister"

"Yea, she said she was waiting on you to ask" I raised my eyebrow at her response. "Well between me and you, I plan on asking her tonight" I whispered to her. She smiled in response before Camila showed up behind her. I hope she didn't hear me.

"Hi" I said before looking at her outfit. She had on a black crop top with her infamous green jacket along with some black jeans. "You look beautiful" I said meeting her eyes once again.

"Thank you, you look beautiful as well"

"Oh, this is for you" I said handing her the rose. "Such a romantic" she giggled taking the rose handing it to Sofi. "Shall we" I held out my hand for her to take. And she took it.

We walked back to my truck, me opening the door for her. She said a quick thank you before I headed to my side of the vehicle.

"So, you have to pick. Option number 2 or 13" I told her. She looked at me raising her eyebrow. "Why 2 and 13" she asked with a giggle. Music to my ears.

"Well because the first option took me 2 hours to come up with and the second option took me 13 minutes to come up with" I explained. It was quite for a bit until she picked her choice.

"13" I nodded driving to choice 13


"Open your eyes" she removed her hands from her eyes and smiled, causing me to smile. "You like" I asked raising my eyebrow at her. She nodded before taking off jumping on the makeshift bed. I followed her chuckling.

"So, I brought pizza butt I didn't know what else to bring so I brought you bananas to have with the pizza incase you ended up not wanting the pizza, butt then I remembered you love pizza as much as I do so it wouldn't matter, butt that was after I bought the bananas and I don't eat-"

"Babe" she said causing me to stop talking. I looked at her as she giggled. "You were ranting, I love it okay, thank you" she said causing me to smile. Again.

"Cmon lets watch a movie"

We ended up watching 3 movies and Camila ate all the bananas, and I ate half the pizza. Halfway through the second movie she cuddled up to me causing me to smile, again.

"Hey can I ask you something" I asked her once the last movie ended. "What's up buttercup"

"Well see, I really like you and you seem to like me back so I was wondering if you maybe I don't know wanted to be my girlfriend" I said nervously.

"Of course" she smiled at me before making a weird face. Her gaze dropped to my lips before quickly back to my eye. I took the hint and leaned in until our lips met. Holy shit, internally fangirling right now.

She pulled away when air was needed. I opened my eyes and saw her big brown ones. "Oh yea, I also have a dick"


This took me too long to write, butt here ya go. I suck at writing dates so sorray

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