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Annabel's been downstairs making things in the kitchen all day. She insisted that it's for something important and that she had to do it, so Harry made no move to stop her. He offered to help, but she told him that she wanted to do it herself, so he had to sit at the counter and watch her do all of the work.

It wasn't a bad thing really, he likes just being around her in general, but he does get a little stir crazy after a while and it's killing his ass sitting in the same damn chair for hours as she prepares all of this random food.

"Am I at least allowed to ask what all of this is for?"

Annabel laughs as she pulls a tray of scalding chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. Harry reaches for one as soon as she sets the tray down in front of him and she smacks his hand. "Don't touch those."

Harry playfully rolls his eyes and reaches for them again as soon as she turns her back, "I'm taking that—ah fuck—as a no?"

She was right in telling him not to touch the cookies because he nearly burnt his fucking hand off just trying to pick one up.

Annabel wears a knowing smile as she takes a bowl of something out of the fridge. Harry's wondering where the hell all of this food came from, but he'll ask that question later when he knows what she's got planned.

"I told you not to touch those, dumbass. How is it a no if you already asked if you were allowed to ask what all of the food is for?"

Harry glares at her and she smiles innocently, "You know what I meant."

"It's for an adventure."

He's still glaring at her and she laughs because he gets so irritated with her when she's vague. It's fun messing with him and she's enjoying herself.


She continues pulling things from the fridge and arranging them on the counter, "Harry."

"Why do you always do this to me?"

Annabel shrugs, "It's amusing and I like to think that you like surprises."

"I hate surprises."

"Too bad."

He doesn't say anything as she starts to search for something to put away everything that she's made. She's just found what she's looking for when he asks in a soft tone that she's rarely ever heard.

"Are you still mad at me?"

Annabel turns around and places the cooler on the only clear space of the counter, precariously pushing other things near the edge as she does so. Her eyes are soft as she looks at him curiously, "Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?"

Harry's smile is soft and rather sad as he meets her eyes, "For what I did to you a month ago."

Her lips part for a moment before pressing together again as she thinks about how to respond. He pays attention to every word and she wants to be clear for him.

"I was never mad at you for that, Harry. I was just...a little overwhelmed after the fact and it took a while to really come back down to earth after that. It's a lot scarier than I thought it was and I just needed some time to think. I know you Harry, and I knew the risks the very moment I got into this with you. I can't be mad at something that I accepted."

He's silent for a while, just looking at her with a gentleness in his eyes, trying to see if she knows enough without making him say it.

And she does, she always does and that's why he likes her so much.

The smallest trace of a smile finds its way to her lips, "You're worried that I'm depressed again. I'm not, I promise. You'll see when we get to where I'm taking you today."

Annabel [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now