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Music hummed through the walls and sent vibrations seeping into their bones. The lights were in a constant state of flickering, because they were strobe lights, and thick smoke coated the air. To make things even better, the place reeked of sex, sweat, and vomit.

Annabel and Harry had been inside long enough to adjust to the smell and to start looking for possible victims. But, first, Harry had other plans. He wanted to actually try to have fun this time and he wanted Annabel to join him.

He ordered two shots and downed his before standing up and making his way to the dance floor. Annabel watched him with a perplexed and curious expression. Harry looked right back with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

This was different from their normal routine. Usually, they had a few drinks and shared some false small talk to make people think they were someone else, and scoped the place for a victim. Harry had been a lot more open in the last few months, around her anyway, and it was strange to see him act like that.

Annabel had a hard time determining if he was acting that way to show her that she could enjoy life if he could or if he was just opening up because he was falling for her. She supposed that it was a little bit of both.

Harry shouted right back, "Dancing! Come with me!"

She shook her head quickly. Annabel didn't like to dance because she hated the way people looked at her for the way that she danced and she didn't think that she was quite good at it anyway.

Harry rolled his eyes and took a few steps closer, "C'mon, it'll make you feel good! You said that's what you wanted."

Annabel laughed, "If you're going to use that reasoning, you could just fuck me. That makes me feel really good."

He tried not to smirk and instead to pout, but it didn't really work out and he was most definitely smirking.

"We have sex all the time though and we're going to have sex later. Let's try something new! Dance with me!"

She wanted to sit at the bar and scout out their next victim, but he was right. Sex was all they ever seemed to do recently because they had to lay low for a little while. The police were starting to notice the disappearance of women around and in the area and it was risky to continue to kill as frequently as they had been for months. Plus, she had been trying to find things that made her feel something and brought more color into her life.

Annabel downed her shot and sighed as she hopped down from her stool, "Alright. Fine."

Harry walked over and grabbed her wrist before she could change her mind and go back to the bar. He knew her better than she thought he did and she wasn't getting out of this one.

There wasn't much space for any more people because the club had let in more than its quota, but Harry didn't seem to care as he pushed through bodies and walked around couples that were stuck to each other's faces.

It was hot before, but now it felt like they were in an oven and the smoke only made it worse. Some song that had a nice rhythm, but terrible lyrics, started to shake the walls even more than before and Annabel didn't see what all of these people were getting from this.

Sweaty bodies pressing against hers was not something that she enjoyed unless it involved sex. This didn't involve sex and she didn't like it so far.

Somehow, Harry managed to change her mind after only a few moments. Maybe it was the way that his hands rested on her hips or maybe it was the way his soft lips met with her collarbone, whatever it was, she didn't think dancing was so pointless anymore.

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