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Sunlight streams in through the open curtains and casts a warm glow upon their skin as they lie in bed. Annabel's fingers are absentmindedly tracing patterns on Harry's skin as she listens to him talk about the first time he killed someone. It was some annoying girl that wouldn't leave him alone during his A levels and she drove him absolutely crazy.

She followed him everywhere and sent him these really creepy love notes. One time he even caught her trying to sneak into his house so that she could see him in the shower. He tried his best not to do it for a while, but one day he just snapped and came up with a plan.

He let her into his home, he fucked her, and then he killed her. It was the beginning of his hobby, although she wasn't the point of origin. His infatuation with death and murder started when he was about seven when he saw a dead rabbit on the side of the road and he felt the need to know what the inside looked like.

Of course, he tells Annabel all of this and there's a part of him that feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders because she's actually listening and she isn't afraid of him like she should be. He's never told anyone else before because he hasn't ever trusted anyone else like this and because everyone else would either be afraid or call him a freak, or both.

Annabel thinks that it's incredibly interesting, but now she's curious about his love life for some reason and she ends up actually asking about it.

"Tell me about the worst date you've ever been on."

She figures that this is a question that isn't so personal and one that has a massive shot at making her laugh. Everyone's been on some terrible dates, but he's so different and she's incredibly interested to know some of his relationship stories. Lord knows that she has a thousand, so he has to have at least one really bad date that he can tell her about.

Harry's silent for far too long and Annabel stops tracing his skin and turns on her side so that she's looking at him.

Her eyes are soft and he thinks that he can see a hint of sadness behind them, "You've never been on a date, have you?"

He sighs softly and lowers his eyes because he's embarrassed that he's let her work out for herself that he's never actually been on a proper date.

"No. I just...I pick people up; I don't date them."

Annabel frowns and removes her legs from his before getting out of the bed and putting her clothes back on.

Harry's incredibly confused with her actions and raises his eyebrows as he watches her dress, "What are you doing?"

She looks at him like he just asked her if the sky is really blue, "Taking you out on a date."

Now he's really confused because they're already starting to take this too far and he doesn't think that going on a date is going to help that. Plus, he doesn't see why she needs to do this, it doesn't really bother him that he's never been on an actual date before.


He leaves his sentence open hoping that she'll understand where he's going because they're good at that, it's why they don't talk as much as normal people do.

Annabel smiles, "Harry. We're doing this whether you like it or not."


Now she looks at him seriously, her smile soft, "Because everyone needs to go on at least one proper date in their lifetime. Plus, it's a little boring just sitting 'round here and having sex all day."

Harry chuckles because he knows that she's definitely not bored with all of the sex they'd been having recently, "Please, earlier you jumped me. The sex is definitely not boring."

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