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Harry was incredibly angry with her when he woke up, but he didn't yell at her and he didn't ask her where she'd gone or why she'd left in the first place. However, he did get incredibly rough after she woke up.

Annabel didn't mind, she never minded. The pain actually felt good and it made her feel something other than just that constant state of gray melancholy. But, there was a part of her that wished he had yelled at her. She wanted him to be angry, she wanted him to scream and ask her questions, she wanted him to show her that she was worth something, she wanted him to show her that it mattered to him whether or not she lived or died.

He was mad and she knew it, but she wanted to feel his anger in more places than just her pelvis.

She spent the night with him again, distance not really much of a concern any longer because she found that she felt more alone than she had before she tried to kill herself. The sun was barely up when she got out of bed.

Annabel was tired, but her mind wouldn't shut up and she needed to do something, anything, in order to make it stop. Harry didn't even notice her absence in the bed, small snores still escaping his parted lips as he slept peacefully. She took her time changing into her running clothes, pulling her hair into a ponytail, and stretching, her eyes shifting to the bed every now and then to see if Harry had woken up.

He'd only moved over a few inches and latched onto a pillow, his face buried in the soft material. Annabel still felt like her mind was smothering her, but something about the way he cuddled with the pillow roused a light feeling in her chest and pulled her lips up in the slightest of smiles as she walked out the door.

Outside, the air was cold enough to give her chills the moment she'd set foot out the door. Annabel didn't mind it though, she actually preferred it because it told her that she was alive and it made her feel something.

Annabel wasn't the greatest at running, really she only ever ran to clear her head. There was never really a need for speed, but she liked to push herself and see just how far she could go and just how much she could take.

Running also provided an opportunity to really take in her surroundings and get lost, especially in the woods where Harry lived. Harry ran too, only he did it more frequently and she only knew that he ran to keep himself in shape. If he had any other reasons, he never told her and her certainly never showed it.

Annabel stuck to the road for a little while because she knew it would be easier for her to find her way back, but, after about five minutes she veered into the woods. Easy wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to get really lost and to maybe awaken some part of herself that wouldn't be so melancholy.

When she had sex with Harry, she felt what she wanted to. She felt awakened and alive and finally everything wasn't so damn gray anymore. His eyes were her favourite during those moments, and in general really, because they were so vibrant and so hard to see through. Harry hid behind many walls and trying to sift through them was something that she liked to do.

She found herself thinking about him a little more than she wanted too and it wasn't long before she was completely lost in both her thoughts and the woods. Annabel stopped running to catch her breath for a moment because she'd stopped controlling it once she recognized that she was lost.

It was beautiful out and she was actually glad that she'd left the road to explore a little. The sun was out, but it was covered by gray clouds, so the entire sky was a mixture of blue and gray. Annabel thought that the weather was fitting considering her current mood. It also made the forest look completely different and it was a nice change even though it was a bit dreary.

The cold was starting to bite at her skin again, but Annabel stuck around for a while longer. She felt much better than she had when she'd woken up and she wanted it to last for as long as possible. Harry was probably up now and she knew that he would think she left again, but she didn't have to tell him when she wanted to go somewhere or do something.

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