Chapter 42

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Okay guys so Saturday night I had a marathon from 8pm to like 5am because I wanted to watch all the fast and furious movies. But that would've lasted until 10am and I just couldn't make it. But the whole time I was like 'Bethany would do this' or 'That scene would've been better if Bethany had done this to that person' so yeah. There are probably another 2 or 3 chapters for Fast and Furious 4, if I make them long enough. Maybe more...


Brian had brought me inside in the middle of the night. He told me that we had somewhere to go in the morning. I was tired and incomprehensible so I nodded and drifted off to sleep. I was fine until I had a dream that Letty had come back and she swore it was my fault and that if she ever got her hands on me, I would be dead.

I shot up and saw Brian with a casual gray shirt and some jeans on. "B, you alright?" I nodded and looked around. We were still in the little garage and I didn't see Mia or Dom; so I was guessing they were sleeping. "Cmon, get dressed. Gotta go," Brian tossed a set of clothes into my lap.

I got up, stretched and walked to the bathroom. I threw some water on my face and stripped my clothing. I pulled on the underwear that looked like mine, but it could've been Mia's, I pulled on some black leggings and a black sports bra. The shirt wasn't mine or Mia's. It was a black wife beater that I knew was Dom's. The top was long and wide, but it was comfy.

Picking up my clothes, I set them in a basket that looked like dirty laundry and then walked back to the couch where my shoes were. As I was putting them on, I looked around for Brian. I didn't see him, so I went into the room Dom was in last night. Dom was sleeping on the bed, so I sat down next to him. My back was facing him.

"Dom. I'm so sorry for everything that I've done to you that caused you pain. Showing up at that race five years ago, was the best thing that happened to me, but I think it may have been the worst thing to happen to you. And I'm sorry that I'm such a screwup, but I'm only human. So I'm gonna go with Brian and try to make things right for you." My speech was spoken softly but if he was awake, he could've heard it. "I love you." I stood up and looked at him, the man that took my breath away with not only his looks, but his attitude.

"Bethany, it's rude to stare." I jumped at his deep voice and sat on the bed and smacked his arm.

"Did you seriously just sit there and listen to that dumb ass speech and pretend to be asleep?" His eyes opened a little bit, but they were crinkled as he smiled. I smiled to myself and went to walk out the room.

"Hey, Beth," I stopped walking and turned around. "My speech that I told Gisele at that party, it was originally about Letty. But as I continued talking, I realized it was also about you. You two are just so similar." I nodded and looked at the ground. The bed made a noise and my head shot up at the contact of his hand on my hand.

"Dom, you know you can't just continue going back and forth." He pulled me to the bed, causing me to sit and he sat up all the way.

"You're all I have left to choose from." He leaned in and connected our lips. His large hands came to my cheeks and held me there. Then he pulled back, holding my face still.

"I gotta go." I gently took his hands off my face and held them for a second. "I'll see you later." Walking out the room, I saw Brian in the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. "Ready?" Brian nodded, swallowing that sip of water and setting the glass on the counter.

"So where are we going?" I asked after we had been on the road for a couple minutes.

"The Bureau. Gotta straighten things out." I nodded at his words and watch the scenery out the window. "So why were you in the room with Dom?" His conversation starter wasn't something I wanted to talk about.

"I wanted to talk to Dom. But he was sleeping still." My lie had caused me to bite my nails and bounce my leg. I looked at him and he was staring at me. "Okay so I thought he was sleeping. But turns out he wasn't and we kissed. God I don't understand how you belittle me into that stuff," I looked out the window again as Brian just laughed and continued driving.

We walked in the building and everyone was staring at us, well Brian. Together we made it to Penning's office.

"You better have one hell of an explanation. You disobeyed a direct order." Penning's words were directed to me at all, but I was very confused by them. "Where's the shipment?"

"It's fine, Mr. Penning's." I chimed in.

"It's fine," he repeated, discouraged.

"Look, we can use the shipment to parade in front of the media, and get a few hundred pounds of heroin off the street, but Braga's just gonna send another shipment next week and the week after that." Brian told him the idea. "Let's use the shipment to lure Braga out and knock the head off a multi-billion dollar cartel."

"How do you suggest we do that?" Pennings asked, not believing we could do it.

"A hand to hand exchange with Braga." He turned to me, then Stasiak piped in.

"He'll never show."

"He can't afford not to." Brian counteracted him.

"You got a plan?" Pennings was hopeful.

"If we give you the plan, you gotta give us something in return." The two men looked at me and I looked to Brian. "We get Braga, you let Toretto go." Michael shook his head, not sure what to do. But I smiled, knowing we had a shot.

I've Got Family || Dom TorettoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin