Chapter 40

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I honestly really like the ideas you guys were giving me. But I still don't know if I want Dom and Beth together or Dom and Letty. The story is a Dom love story... but should I change it?? Idk I'll figure it out. Enjoy!


When the back of the truck opened, it was night and we were in the middle of nowhere. Everyone got their cars out the truck and sat around waiting. I had noticed Dom looked exceptionally good in his black v-neck, leaning against his car. His arms crossed, showing his flexed muscles and I swear to you, I was probably drooling.

"Welcome to Mexico," Gisele had announced her presence and several buff men were around her, carrying trunks. "There are helicopters and surveillance cameras that scan for heat signatures at the border. But there are blind spots that u can guide you through via satellite. There can be no margin of error, so you must follow my every direction. Any questions?" As I listened to her speak, she started to sound more and more like a GPS voice or a flight attendant or some type of automated voice message.

"I thought Fenix was gonna be here," Dom spoke.

"He'll meet you out there," Gisele started typing on her phone? GPS? Idk, her small handheld device and our GPS' started going off. "All right everybody, sync up." I pulled out my GPS and she wished us luck. When she walked past Dom, she mumbled something but I couldn't understand what she said.

We all got in our cars and followed the directions of the GPS. It was dark and we couldn't use our headlights so I apologize to every small animal I may have harmed. Once I thought we were away from everyone, a voice came through the radio.

"Satellite linkup engaged." I rolled my eyes at Gisele's voice. I literally could not get away from her. She was nice and all but her job was awful and it makes me hate her. "Keep proceeding northbound at current speed. Stay close to Fenix," a car came out of nowhere and was in front of us. I'm guessing it was Fenix. "He'll lead you across." We continued driving, keeping up with Fenix's speed.

"Hurry it up. You guys have been tagged," my eyes widened and I pressed down further on the acceleration. All of us were in line, but I saw Dom's charger move out to the left and speed up. "Toretto, get back in formation." We were nearing a mountain and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have a opening as wide as two cars.

"Cmon Dom, don't be stupid." I spoke to myself, hoping somehow Dom got the message. Dom swerved back in line and I let out a breathe, continuing to drive on the tail of the guy in front of me. Behind me, I saw the opening shut and I felt a little claustrophobic. We were surrounding by rock and beams that were keeping the mountain from crushing us. Now we could have our headlights on, so that helped a little.

"They're sending a helicopter." Gisele's voice rang throughout Tej's car. "You have 30 seconds," my eyes widened at her words and I saw cars going into the air for a second. If I sped up, Tej's car would do that and I would be scared for my life. But I kept my speed for that bump in the road and I came off the ground a little but not too much.

"The window is closing fast." I sped up again and that caused the car in front to speed up and a chain reaction of it. "You need to get out of there before they send ground support." We continued driving at a fast speed for such a small space. The car in front of me hit the beam and rocks were about to crush me, so I swerved and Brian swerved behind me to avoid the rocks.

"Fifteen seconds," After this, if I make it out alive, I will never drive in small spaces again. We drove through beams to follow Fenix and I was really worried because these people were not the best drivers in small spaces. "You're running out of time." The more she talked, the more stressed I felt. The space was smaller than before and darker. "You need to get out now!" She yelled and I felt freaked out. I drove faster and I watched the door close behind Brian.

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