Chapter 5

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Alright guys like I can't even explain to you that I looked and saw that in one day; a simple 24 hours, there was more than 100 views in this story and it was crazy. Thank you guys for getting this story to over a thousand views!!! Like I only have one other story that has over 1k views and it took forever for it to get there so thank you! Now to the story!!!!


Dom is a big ass liar. He ended up taking me to the garage with him. Letty was here and we won't speak to each other. Dom told me to be nice and I guess said the same to her. Apparently, Brian dropped Mia off here and he had a surprise for Dom.

"I wanna leave! You guys know I can't do anything here!" I groaned and laid back on the trunk of the car Dom was working on. Before anyone could say anything, a piece of shit car was in my eyesight and I sat up. "What the hell is that?" Next thing I know, Brian comes out with his cheeky ass smile.

"This is your car," B says to Dom who has a beer in his hand.

"My car? I said a 10 second car not a 10 minute car," Dom replies.

"You could push this across the finish line- or tow it?" Jesse jokes and Letty, Mia and I laugh at him before I stop, noticing that Letty was laughing.

"No faith," Brian does have his way of surprising you.

"Oh I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard, it's a garage," Dom points at the beat up car that Brian brought.

"Aye, pop the hood," Jesse was excited about what was under the hood. The guys were talking about Harry's and something in Arizona called Race Wars and how Brian is gonna be at the garage when he isn't at Harry's.

Brian and Jesse disappeared for a second before we all went to the Toretto. We were setting up for dinner, when Vince, Letty and Leon pull up with groceries. Vince sees B and Letty sees me before they both put the bags down and walk to their cars.

"You two get over here and give us a hand," Dom shouts at the two.

"Seems like you got all the help you need, Brother," Vince says before he and Letty drive away.

"Sorry Dom that they don't want to be here," I look down at my feet then go pick up a few of the bags for dinner. Brian picks up the rest and then they start cooking.

Once dinner was finished, Letty decided to come back. We all sat down and Jesse had to say grace. "Dear Heavenly, uh," he starts.

"Spirit," Leon helps him out.

"Spirit, thank you. Uh thank you for providing us with the direct port, nitrous injection, ball bearing turbos and um titanium bob springs. Amen!" Jesse says. We all clap and laugh slightly but we were proud that he got it.

"Praying to the car gods man," Letty says and Mia laughs. We all see Vince walk up. And we all eat.

I forced Brian to go help Mia with dishes because they needed to be together. We all watched some movie and were just chilling. Vince went to get popcorn for Leon.

Letty was sitting in between Doms legs and his arms were wrapped around her, Corona in hand. The sight was just something I couldn't handle. And Dom's eyes met mine but I turned away and walked past Vince who was pissed, into the kitchen.

"I hope yall are going on a date and that's why Vince is drunk and now pissed." I laughed just joking but they both just smiled at me and avoided eye contact. "Aww you guys are! I knew it!" I clapped and hugged the both of them.

"Alright Beth, get off." B pushed me off.

"Well I'm not interrupting anything, Brian can you take me to get my car or just take me home? I can't really sit in there. The movie is kinda boring," I shrugged and looked at the floor. I didn't want to admit that I was pissed off and jealous of Letty. Mia poked her head out into the living room and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Brian go ahead and take her home. It's not good for her to sit out there," I pleaded B with my eyes and he nodded, hugging Mia and putting his arm around me.

Together we walked out of the house, without saying bye. I got to the passenger side of the trunk the Harry was letting B used and when I opened the door, the front door of the house opened. "Bethany!" I turned and looked and saw Letty with Dom on the porch.

"Letty? You're the last person I expected to come stop me from leaving." She nodded before speaking.

"I wanted to apologize for being such a bitch. I know we were on bad terms when you guys moved out but I shouldn't have told everyone that you went to the east coast. I miss having my cousin around. And I want a rematch to that race from a few years ago." She smiled a real smile at me and I knew she was genuine. I flashed one back at her and pulled her into a hug.

I could see Dom smiling to himself and taking a chug of beer. I pulled away from Letty but she whispered in me ear, "Just don't try to take Dom from me please, because I really do like him." She asked me. I nodded, worried that Dom just told her to apologize and she was faking it. But then she hugged me again before walking up to Dom.

I think I got my cousin back.

Well I'm going with the movie and so I might have more then one update today (:

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