Chapter 36

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Brian had me follow him to the race, after I went back to the house and changed. I was now wearing a denim shirt with cut off sleeves and some black leggings with white sneakers. To say I was ready, was the least of our problems. Brian had to win to get the spot, I had to stay behind him to keep everyone else out of the way.

We pulled up and there were some nice cars, along with a lot of girls that could be potential hoes. I had my hair down; straight with slight waves, making it a cute messy hairstyle. One really nice car pulled up and a pretty girl got out. She seemed to have bad ass look but she didn't look too bad ass. Her name was Gisele. She was working for Braga.

Brian got out his car before I got out of Tej's. I looked in the mirror once more, smacking my lips, and opened the car door. He looked up towards the golfing area. "So we know each other but aren't friends. And by any means, do not let Dom intimidate you for any reason," I looked at him when he said Dom. But I nodded anyways and pushed hair off my shoulder.

When I walked, I put a sway in my hips. I mean if you look like you own it, then act like it too. I saw a blonde guy who looked like an arrogant asshole by the looks of how three girls stood by his side. Brian was walking behind me.

"Hey! What are you looking at, nutsack?" I stopped at the guy's words and Brian ran into me. He mumbled a 'sorry', but I wasn't worried about that.

"Excuse me? Why don't you tell me, cause all I see are some whores and a dick," I scoffed at the four of them and looked Brian. "What do you see?"

"The racer wants what Dwight's got. See, but, ladies, Dwight's already on the team. You gotta be fast if you wanna drive for Braga," I rolled my eyes and turned at a voice.

"Is there a problem here?" It was Gisele.

"No," 'Dwight's' voice cracked and Brian smiled at the dude's reaction.

"You one of Park's guys, blondie?" She asked, looking at Brian.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." He answered and I raised my hand slightly.

"Me too," I put most of my weight on my left foot.

"Follow me," she walked away with four guys following her. So I followed like she said and we seemed to go towards the building.

"See you later, punk," Dwight said softly to Brian and then he looked at me, "You, too, punk." I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, walking with the rest of the group.

Being surrounded by boys, was not always my specialty. Especially when the one I've been in love with pulls in to the parking lot. I make eye contact with Dom and I guess so does Brian cause he looks away and gives me the look.

All of us are standing in a line, watching Braga play golf. Gisele left, I'm guessing to bring Dom up. The guy golfing also worked for Braga. I just couldn't remember his name. The elevator went off and I looked over seeing Gisele and Dom.

He walked over, standing in line and I just watched him. How could he assume that I wanted to be a cop just to bust him? I noticed Brian look over too.

"You all know why you're here," said the golfing guy, Campos was his name, "good drivers are a dime a dozen. Man, every corners got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks. That's not what Braga has got me looking for," this guy kept talking as he swung the golf club. "Braga wants someone that would sell their abuelita to be behind the wheel. Someone that drive their ten second cars not in a straight line, but to push it and make it through places no one else would take it. Real drivers," I nodded along with the words coming out of his mouth. It was like I was back in school, listening to a lecture that I didn't completely understand.

"So what are we hauling?" My head turned to the muscled man that stole my heart when I was 16.

"For the money, Braga's paying, you don't need to know," I shook my head at Campos' words. Dom would continue to argue until he got his answer.

"You just said you wanted real drivers. A real driver knows exactly what's in his car," As Dom spoke, I noticed Gisele smiling at him. I already had to fight with my cousin over him, now I've got even more competition. Campos had mumbled something, in Spanish I'm guessing, before sipping his beer. Felix, another one of Braga's helpers, stood up.

"Mira, real driver, nobody's forcing you to race," I could see the tension and it was not a good idea to be up in Dom's face.

"You the boss? Or am I talking to the boss?" Dom's attitude came out real quick.

"Do I look like a boss?" Felix's sass was out, too.

"Papi, my job is to find the best drivers, period. Whoever wins the race gets the info. We cool?" Campos explained, trying to keep the fighting to a minimum. Gisele walked around and handed out small tablets. "Are we cool?"

"Yeah, we cool," Dom replied, taking the tablet from Gisele's hands and licking his lips while looking at her. I crossed my arms and snorted.

"No, we ain't cool, man. Who's closing these streets?" The short light skinned guy with the beanie and chain asked. My eyes widened and I looked at Campos. I didn't practice on streets with traffic.

"No one, that's the point." All of us racers were thinking the same thing, except Dom or even Brian I'm sure. I'm gonna crash my car or I'm gonna hurt myself or someone else. I was worried about Tej's car. He would literally kill me if I scratched that car. How the hell am I supposed to race with traffic on the road, and not chip the paint on his car?

We all got to our cars, and turned the gps on. Engines revved as we all sat at the starting line. I checked my mirrors and applied Chapstick once more. I was beyond nervous. One, I was up against crazy good racers. Two, no one is closing the roads for the race. Three, what if I get caught?

I jumped when the gps started talking, "Please wait while directions are downloaded." The boys revved their engines again and I could hear the roar of Dom's American Muscle. "Proceed to the highlighted route." The woman's voice began counting down from ten and I knew it was time to get serious. I was next to Brian and he was in between Dom and I.

"You sure you want to do this?" Dom's deep voice gave me shivers.

"A lot has changed." Brian replied and I just nodded my head.

"You're right. How about you, babe?" Dom yelled over to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I was born ready asshole," I revved the engine in Tej's car and my eyes focused on the road in front of me.

"Three, two, one, go!" As the final words came out of the gps, I let go of the brakes and pressed the acceleration to the floor. Dom's silver car popped a wheelie and was ahead of everyone by a few feet.

"You wanna play that way Dominic Toretto," I spoke to myself, almost like he was listening. "Then that's how we all will play." I followed behind him and was almost on his rear end. He may have more experience, but I have more manipulation.

So I updated a lot this week. The most ever maybe? Idk but I'm exhausted and decided to finish this for you guys (:

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