Chapter 32

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I ran back into the Bureau and got on the elevator to the floor that I was on earlier this morning.

"Hey, have you seen O'Connor?" I asked a guy and he shook his head. "Oh, thanks anyways, actually could you maybe get me a coffee? I could really use one, thanks," I smiled at him and he just looked at me before walking to the coffee maker. My eyes wandered around the room and I saw the new girl from last nights meeting. Right next to her was Brian. My legs moved me across the room quickly and these heels were killing my calves.

"Wait, that's it," Brian said, stopping in front of some stairs.

"What's it?" I asked, popping up next to them.

"David Park. 240 with the illegal mod." He flipped a page.

"How do you know?" The girl asked and I answered for Brian.

"It's something he would drive," he nodded as I spoke. "Okay, so what's the address?" I asked, trying to look over his shoulder but he was much taller than me.

"I thought you were mad at me," Brian said, looking over the paperwork again.

"I think what you said to the love of your life was stupid, but now that I'm in this mess, I'm not gonna quit less than 24 hours later," he looked at me with a face that said 'I did what I had to do' and dug through his pocket for his keys.

"Whatever, let's go. Thanks, Sophie," Brian grabbed the paperwork for David Park and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him.

"Excuse me, I'm in heels. Don't go so fast," then I remembered that I needed coffee. "Wait, stay here," I stopped him and turned around, speed walking to the guy with two coffees. "Thank you so much. I'm Bethany by the way. I'm new, so sorry if I acted in a way I shouldn't. Gotta go," I took the cup from his hand and walked back the other way.

"Are you serious?" Brian's smile was evident but he sounded irritated.
"I needed some coffee. Would you like some?" He shook his head and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the elevator. "So what are you driving?"

"My undercover cop car that just looks like a cop car painted a bronze and gray color," I nodded as he pressed the lobby button. "So he is in apartment 402. In a building on Hoover Street." We walked to the car and he was reading the paper.

"So what's the plan? We go in there and question him or you go up there and kick his ass for the information. I'm good with either one," I smiled, getting and he just laughed, starting the car.

"I'll go up there and ask him some questions. If he tries to run, I'll have you stay outside the car and be ready for him." Brian seemed like he knew what he was doing.

"You know, I'm really glad you came back. Mia might hate me for staying by your side like all the time, but I mean, I couldn't just wait around." I took a sip of my coffee and patted his shoulder.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you as much as she hates me," he tried to laugh it off, but I knew it hurt him. "This is it. '98 Nissan 240," Brian parked behind a silver car with the license plate 'LE49975'. 

I got out and so did Brian. I took my blazer off and sat it on the hood of the car and sat on top of it, so I didn't burn the back of my legs. He looked at the car and started walking to it. Before he got to it, glass was breaking, so I covered my head and looked up.

Someone was hanging another guy out of the window. By the leg, so Brian went to run in the building. "Stay here, grabbed the gun out of my glove box," he ran through the door and I climbed into the car. I picked up a few books about the car and then I saw the pistol at the bottom. Turning the safety off and make sure it had ammo, I put it on the waistband of my pants and got out the car.

I ran to where Brian disappeared to and opened the door. I knew he was probably upstairs by now, but just stood inside. After a few minutes, I couldn't wait. I climbed the stairs, quickly and saw the number 400 on one of the doors. Taking the gun out of my waistband, I slowly stepped towards the door and opened it.

"Shut up!" I heard and jumped a little bit, not making a sound.

"Letty was my friend, too," I heard Brian's voice.

"You weren't anyone's friend," my eyes widened. Dom was still here. I thought he would've left after he dropped Mia off last night.

"Yo, can you guys talk about this later? Now pull my ass up!" I rolled my eyes at the guy hanging out the window.

"Bethany was my friend. She still is actually." I smiled at the fact that he thought about me. "But Letty was running for this guy, Braga, and things went bad. I'm gonna get these guys, Dom. Now let me do my job and bring him up." Brian spoke calmly as always.   I didn't want to be too close to the room, so I stayed near the stairwell.

"I'm gonna kill this Braga and anyone else who gets in my way." Dom's voice was also very calm. I heard a scream and then footsteps. I held the gun up, but I see Dom. He freezes and I lower the gun.

"Dom, you were supposed to leave last night." I told him and he just glared at me.

"So you're one of the Feds now? That's why you and Brian are friends? I can't believe you," I shook my head at his words and tried to walk up to him, but he just run away. So I followed him.

"Dom!" I started running and then realized I couldn't go anywhere with these heels so I kicked them off and ran. We went down the stairs and turned down a hallway. I ran to the end of that hallway and noticed that the window was open, so I looked out it and I didn't see anyone or anything. My body bent over, so I could catch my breath. Dom was fast in a car and on foot. I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my heels.

"I told you to stay out there near the car," I looked up at Brian and put my shoes back on. "I'm guessing you saw him run." I nodded.

"He saw me, said he couldn't believe it, and then ran, so I chased him. Until I lost him." I looked at the guy Brian had in hand cuffs. "You're David Park?" He looked at me and just didn't say anything. "Man, I was hoping it was a good looking guy." His jaw dropped and I laughed.

Back at the Bureau, Brian and I each had one of Park's arms and we walked him to the elevators and up to whatever floor we were supposed to be on. Then that annoying guy, Michael Stasiak looks like he was on a mission.

"O'Connor!" He yelled and Brian just looked at him and continued walking. "O'Connor! If you ever release a witness of mine again-" he pushed Brian up against the wall and I grabbed David's arm tighter. Brian grabbed Michael and forced his face into the wall and then knee'd him either in his stomach or his nuts. The guy fell to the ground with a groan and I just didn't know what I was supposed to do.

"That's enough!" Penning came out and some other guys separated the boys, one trying to help Stasiak up.

"You're through, O'Connor!" He tried to get the last word.

"I said that's enough!" Penning just shouted again. Michael's nose was bleeding and he looked like he was a little messed up in the head with the way he was looking at Brian. "Stasiak, go get yourself cleaned up."

"O'Conner, you okay?" I asked him and he looked and nodded at me.

"What? He hit me first!" Stasiak pointed his finger at Brian and Penning was yelling again.

"This isn't the Cub Scouts! Now, go on. You're bleeding on my floor." Michael walked away and Penning walked up to Brian. I took a step back from them, bringing Park with me. "O'Connor, do you know the difference between a cop and a criminal?"


"One bad judgement call. Keep your shit in line, son." Penning was stern with Brian but not mean. He turned to me and David Park. "Have a good time," his hand landed on Park's shoulder. I pushed him a little into the open door for the Processing Room.

"Take a seat." Brian said to David. "You go grab something to eat. I ran up a lot of stairs," I shook my head and closed the door behind me, walking to find some type of food tray or table.

Guys, I'm on a roll with these updates. Mainly because I don't have to worry about all of my stories. OUAC is finished, and I unpublished the rest of them, except She Bad and this one. So be ready to get through this movie faster than I did the first two. Oh and I'm about to start school next week, so hopefully my teachers won't give me so much homework so I can update frequently.

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