Chapter 10

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"Mia, I hate your brother," I said as we walked to the camper.

"So do I," she had tears running down her cheeks as well.

"Do you know where they went?" I asked, scared that they would just abandon us. Brian walked up to us asking questions before she could answer mine.

"No I don't! Jesus Christ!" Mia started walking faster and I walked with her.

"Listen Mia, I'm a cop," okay, just forget I'm here Brian. Wait what did you just say?

"What are you talking about?" Mia asked, angry and upset at the same time.

"I'm an undercover cop, ever since the first time I met you!" I was so surprised.

"You bastard," Mia had tears in her eyes. And I was just speechless. One of the guys I trusted with my life, was a cop. When Mia went to walk away, Brian grabbed her.

"Brian stop," I said, getting protective.

"Mia, everything that I said I felt about you was real. But this is about your brother and he is about to pull a job and we're running out of time." Brian said and Mia knew what he was talking about.

"What? Where did they go?" I asked but they both ignored me. Figures.

"Those truckers, they're not laying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through the night, but every single law enforcement agency in California is coming down on them. If you don't want anything to happen to your brother, to Letty, to Leon, to Vince, you have to get in that car with me right now. You have to help me." Oh my god Brian's a cop. Oh my god, Dom might die. What the hell have I missed?

And with that, all three of us were in Brian's car. Driving to who knows where to go get the guy I love and my cousin and our friends. Mia had a map and Brian was thinking and I sat like a little kid, lost in the backseat, if you could call this a backseat. Then Brian called someone. "Hi, yeah this is Officer Brian O'Conner. I need a cellphone trace."

"You know, O'Conner is a much better name than Spilner," I commented and they both looked at me and ignored me. "Well I feel so loved." I mumbled to myself.

Mia told the person Dom's number, and we were actually getting somewhere. We drove forever. And Brian got another call and now we are like 40 miles away.

The sun came up and we were still driving. I yawned and say in the back, doing nothing. There were barely any cars out here. "What are they really doing out here?" I asked, afraid what might happen.

"They are harassing trucks and stealing from them." Brian put it in the best way possible.

"It's how we get most of our money," Mia added. "But I didn't know it was this bad," she was upset.

We passed a car on the side of the road. And then saw a truck and a car up ahead. "That's them," I said and the other car, slowed down to the side. We passed them and Brian pushed the roof of, letting Mia drive because Vince was hanging off the side of the truck.

Watching Brian get Vince free was stressful and it was even more stressful when the driver shot at us with a shotgun. Vince jumped into the passenger seat and Brian jumped on top of the car before we pulled off the road.

"Vince stay with me buddy," I said as we got him out of the car. A black car pulled up and Dom got out with Leon. Dom stuck his head back in the car before he and Leon walked over here. I couldn't do anything.

Brian called a helicopter ambulance and Dom got angry as shit because Brian said he was an officer. "Dom, don't," I mouthed to him and the helicopter came.

Dom walked away, once Vince was in the helicopter. Mia and I still standing there watching Brian. Dom was yelling at Mia and I to go to the car. And Mia did. I ran over to Brian. Dom watched us before Leon drove off. I don't think he really cared because he knew I wasn't sitting with Letty and I associated with Brian.

"C'mon B," I said as the helicopter flew away and we were left there. We got in the car and Brain drove back home.

"Thanks Beth," Brian was the first to speak.

"For what?" I asked, not sure why he was thanking me. I didn't even do anything.

"Staying." I smiled at him.

"You're my big brother now. No matter what stupid things you do, I'm always gonna be here." He laughed a bit, but I could tell he was sad. Mia didn't trust him. Dom probably wanted to kill him. "Now what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to Dom's,"

"Brian, he is going to kill you!" I finally recognized the surroundings.

"I have a job to do Beth." I didn't say anything, but we pulled up to the Toretto household. Dom's dad's car was outside and Dom had his bloody white tshirt on with a shotgun in his hand.

"Brian don't!" He doesn't listen just like Jesse. Shit Jesse!

"Dom put the gun down now!" Dom was obviously determined to do something.

"Move your car," Dom was calm, but that meant he was psycho mad.

"Bullshit, put it down now!" I was scared. I opened the door and looked at Dom, who was surprised to see me.

"Dom, look don't worry about Brian. We need to worry about Jesse," He nodded.

"I gotta find Jesse before they do. I'm all the kids got." Dom was truly worried and you could see it in his face.

"I'll call the LAPD. They'll pick him up way before John does," I got mad.

"Brian, let him go get Jesse. He is my little brother and the longer you stand in Dom's face. The angrier he will get and the less time we have to find Jesse!" I yelled and Dom loaded the shotgun.

"Dom, stop it. It's over please!" Mia came out of the house and she looked a mess.

"Mia stay out of it!" Dom said and was about to say something to Brian, but the Jetta pulled up.

"Jesse!" I ran over to the car and hugged him as he got out. "You stupid little shit. Thank god you're okay," I said and he was sweaty and stressed out.

"Dominic, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's going on," Dom threw the gun down.

"Jess, what were you thinking man?" Dom said to him. And I hear motorcycles.

"It's Tran!" I yelled and everyone looked towards the road. "Jesse calm down and get down," I tried to push him down to the ground, but he kept talking.

"I panicked, I'm sorry. Dom please help me!" Jesse screamed and shots were fired. I jumped at Jesse, but I was grazed with a bullet on my side and it hit Jesse in the chest.

"Jesse, no!" I screamed and tears streamed down my face. Not only was I in pain, Jesse just got shot. We both fell to the ground. And Dom like army crawled through the grass. "I tried to jump in front of him Dom. I did. I just didn't do it fast enough and now he is gone," I was crying and Dom hugged Jesse, while Mia ran down here. We all looked at Brian for help and he got in the car with his pistol. I ran up and into his passenger seat.

"You aren't going Bethany." Brian was angry.

"Yes I am, Brian. Jesse just died because of them." I said and Brian didn't have time to argue so he just pulled off.

"Dom, no!" Mia screamed as Dom got up and grabbed his shotgun before getting in the car he calls scary.

Two chapters in one day. I would've updated more but I think I'll update next weekend because a whole bunch of drama just went down so yeah I hope this was good.

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