Chapter 13

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"You ready B!" I heard Brian yell to me. Miami was fun as hell. We partied, raced, it was different from Los Angeles.

"Yeah," I pulled my shirt over my head and made sure my shorts were up high enough. We were getting ready, because Brian was about to race and I always had to look great. It was being set up right now, closing roads and stuff.

Brian got a call a few minutes ago from his friend Tej. He had four minutes and we were rushing to get out the house. We got on the highway real fast and sped to Tej's garage.

There were a bunch of people. Everyone knew who Brian was and his rep. We both out the car and smiled.

"What's up Tej?" Brian fist bumped him. "Thanks for the invite,"

"No problem at all man. Just remember me when you wax, aight?" Tej said.

"They got deep pockets?" Brian asked. I awkwardly stood next to Brian as he and Tej had a conversation. I heard guys cat calling and it was so annoying.

"Real deep," they both turned and had their little introductions. They talked and I stood next to Tej now as Brian walked up to some Spanish speaking guy.

"So who are you? And why you rolling with a white guy like Brian?" Tej asked me.

"I'm Bethany. And I met Brian back in LA. He acts like my brother." We stopped talking and Tej walked to the guy, with me behind him.

"Okay, 35 large," Tej went around collecting money from all the racers. Suki seemed chill. Brian was staring at some girl and then he asked me something.

"Aye, Beth, go stand over there next to that girl with her hair in like a bun thing. I'll come get you after the race," he kissed my cheek and I smacked his butt. He turned and looked at me, laughing before getting in the car.

I walked over there, swinging my hips, letting all the boys know, I was bomb. By the time I got over there, she was gone and I couldn't find her because I was so short.

Tej got everyone to back up, with the help of Brian. Apparently, he had a surprise, but I was just waiting to see what would happen. "Go Brian!" I screamed and everyone looked at me, screaming.

"Ready. Ready. Ready. Ready. Go!" Tej threw his arm down and everyone drove off. Everyone started running after them. I just walked over to Tej, since I couldn't see anything anyways.

"So this is your garage?" I asked him and he turned to face me.

"Yeah baby," he smiled and I just laughed.

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm still stuck on the last one," I winked and put my arm on his shoulder. We all started walking and then Tej spoke into his walkie talkie. "Alright, Jimmy. Hit it!" Then as we all were walking, I could see the bridge go up in front of us. "Y'all see that?" Tej was excited about it.

"I swear if Brian gets hurt," I was really protective over him now. He was all I had left.

"He won't, babe. I know Brian and he's got this." I crossed my arms and just listened to Tej talking. All I see is Brian's car fly over the orange one and think. "Oh shit," but purse he pulled through. I ran up to the car.

"You're one crazy ass dude." I laughed and hugged him. Tej handed Brian some money and Brian gave Tej some back. Tej was waving it around talking about mutual respect, when I saw that chick again.

Brian walked up to her and I followed him. "Where you going?" B asked as she started to walk away.

"It's time to get out of here,"

"And why is that?" Then sirens went off and I looked at the girl and ran to Brian's car.

"Brian let's go!" Brian got in, driving off and we dodged a few cop cars. Until the car got shot with some jamming shit.

Brian and I were both sent to interrogation. He was found and I didn't say anything to anyone who said anything to me. Brian ended being told a lot of information and met some guy that he thought was familiar. I was bored and sat next to Brian. He was being forced to help these people and persuaded with cleaning his record.

I smirked as Brian just proved that Dunn wasn't effective for this job. B got to pick his own partner.

"Who you got in mind?" The black guy asked.

"This guy I grew up with in Barstow. Roman Pearce." Brian said and he looked at me, smiling. Brian is gonna get me in deep shit.

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