A long chapter : what he does for you what you do together

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Scott: you guys are free have nothing to do so you you guys are gonna watch movie ,Scott gets popcorn for you and him,he also gets you fuzzy socks cause he knows you love them he also gets you blanket he knows your cold he comes next to you and kisses you gently on the cheek ,and cuddles you ,as you watch the movie you both fall asleep after 2 hours .

Stiles: he loves you very much so his thinking of a great place to have a secret romantic date night it's going to be a surprise ,he wanted to have a movie with you but you guys do it to often so he things,of some thing else he wants to take you go bowling but much romantic,his then gonna get you to beautiful restaurant with big windows ,the  weave is a long beach ,he then  takes you in a car with him to bowling you have no idea where ( then you guys bowl together he helps you then you eat dinner together.

Jackson: he invites you to a the biggest pizzas place ever there is a huge pizzas there you can have he knows you love pizza so ,you guys went there and ordered the biggest pepperoni pizza it's huge and delicious  ,you both eat like a pig but you don't care cause it's soo good .

Isaac: you guys are gonna have a romantic night it's 10 pm. You come home from work you get in bedroom to change to sexy red dress ,that he has never seen before ,he gets in a  tuxedo ,Then you both eat  your    F/f   As you eat it ,he takes your hand and kisses you cuddles you and you know what happens next..

Derek: your working ,he already finished work early so he goes to    Your  w/p.   He surprises you  he kisses you on the lips and.   ( you can imagine yourself what happens) .

Liam: you fell asleep on your sofa while reading a book ( Harry Potter)
He came home from work he sees you sleep cutely he comes to you and kisses you very gently on the check you move to the other side on the sofa and he then, gets in the sofa with you and falls asleep with you .

P.s srry for aiden not being in this long chapter I promise I will put him next chapter ,thanks.

Xoxo Amy

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