Chapter 4: Night, Brian.

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Chapter 4

Jimmy and I arranged another day for the drum lessons, couse I was feeling like shit. God, i'll never gonna drink that much, ever again! Yeah... not so possible... but at least i could try. I felt just like a fuckin tyrannosaurus had sat down over me. I had a terrible headache, stomachache for all the alcohol I took the night before and a horrible neck pain for sleeping in the couch. I didn't feel like doing anythin' at all, so I spent most of that day and the next one in bed with my notebook, and some relaxing music. It was the last week before the classes started again so i really had to enjoy and seize it.  

I went to the kitchen after my stomach growled, realizing that i hadn't eaten in all day. It was nearly 10 p.m. so i decided to make dinner.  

" finally got out of the cave?" Brian joked when I passed by the livingroom in my way to the kitchen.  

"im fraking starving" i simply said and continued walking. "I've made some macaroni and cheese, if you want some" he treated. I turned around and looked at him. He was eating some macaroni sitting on the couch looking at the TV. "You sure they aren't poisoned or something?" i asked. Why would he share his food with me? 

"I don't think so. You bought them" what a fucker! Of course he didn't share HIS food with me, he shared MY food with himself. We had arranged that he had to buy his own food and i'd buy mine, couse he was such a baby when it was about doing housework and stuffs.  

"you bitch" i grunted and went to take some macaronies. I grabbed a glass of water and went to sit in the couch. "what are you watching?"i asked befored I started to eat. Mmm they were pretty good.  

"'The exorcist', it's just started" Great! I loved horror films, i've seen most of them and loved most of them too. But nowadays they are too bizarre like 'Final destination', 'Friday 13th' and 'Jason vs Freddy'. They weren't scary, they are more like a freaking comedy.  

We sat there eatingand watching te movie. I should say that the book is better than it but it always is, or at least most of the times. During one of the commercial breaks, I went to the kitchen to grabb something to eat for dessert. I took some cookies and a chocolate bar from Brian's cupboard. God! All that was in there were sweets, chocolates, cookies and alcohol, but no real food. Well at least i knew where to search for some Skittles if i wanted them sometime.  

"Hey! Those are mine!" brian said in a really childish way. "Those were my macaroni and cheese" I simply said as I opened the chocolate bar taking a piece into my mouth. "Fair enough" he agreed as he took the cookies and kept on watching the movie.  

"I never liked so much how the story ends. I mean she should be dead, she was THE fuckin demon" brian complained after the film ended. " Oh! You are such a sweetheart" I told him with sarcasm.  

"Anyways i dunno why you like horror films so much. You are a girl, you should be scared of them and al the exorcisms things" he tried to bother me. "they're just films, they cant eat me. And I dont believe in ghosts" I mean they where people inventions just like the buggieman and those shits.  

" Really? So you wouldn't mind playing the ouija game with me right now?" he dared me. "bring it" i said. I'd never played ouija, so this would be interesting. I went to the bathroom and grabbed some candles to make it 'scarier', i turned off the lights and light the candles up, waiting for Brian. When he came, we sat on the floor around the little table in the living room in front of each other. 

"What do we do now?" i asked him after we put our fingers in the plastic triangle over the board. "Ask something and wait for an answer" he said " are you a woman?" Brian asked and we waited for the answer. Yeah like something was going to happen. Bullshit! And then suddenly the triangle started to move to the world 'yes'. Oh shit. I opened my eyes widely and looked at Syn, like 'what the hell have just happened?' 

"Now ask you something" he grinned at me."ok...hummm... How did you die?" i asked and i started to feel really scared when the triangle started to move again. It when to the 'F', then 'U'. Oh god! What is going on? Then the little plastic thing moved to the 'C', before going to the 'K', tuning to the 'I' and then 'N'. Motherf- 

" YOU FUCKER! I almost shit in my pants!" i yelled at him while Brian laughed his ass off. " God! You had to see your face!" he laughed. "Im done" i stood up, took the dirty dashes and took them to the kitchen. "you said you werent afraid of ghost, girly!" he yelled from the living room and kept on laughing. I wanted to punch him so badly.  

" Kay!" i heard him said a minut later but I didn't answered him. "Kayley!" He sounded serious... whatever, he wasn't gonna fool me again.He was such a dork, he was never serious. "Leave me alone, Syn" i growned at him pissed off as I walked to the living room. He was sitting in the same place that before and looking down to the board.  

"Kay, please, come see this. I promise i'm not messing with you" brian parcticaly begged me, and he sounded worried so I walked to his side. He was as white as a sheet and his hands were over his lap, as he stared at the board with a strange expresion on his face. "What is- Oh my god" i sighted as i saw what he was stearing at. The triangle over the board was moving alone. 'E', 'R','E' and 'D'... what did that mean? "MURDERED" syn said and then looked at me "Kayley i promise i didn't do anythig. I didn't-" he started but i shut him up. "I know Syn. Just... put it away, please. I'm scared" I could feel the tears builing up in my eyes.  

He stoop up and took the ouija board carry it to his room, but sudenly we heared the sound of a breaking glass comming from the kitchen. "SHIT!" i screamed and run thowards Biran and hug him startin to cry "What the fuck was that?!" he yelled putting an arm around me taking me closer to him. "I'm gonna go see" he anounced a minute later but i stoped him. " No Brian please don't go! I'm so scared don't leave me alone, please!" i cried hugging him tighter.  

Syn carried us to the kitchen to see what happend. When he turned on the light we saw a broken glass on the floor next to the dishwasher. "I's okay, Kayley. Maybe you put it close to de edge of the counter." He said and i nodded trying not to think about it soo much. Then i broke the hug to go get changed to go to bed. After i said goodnight to him, i went to my bed and tried to sleep a little.  

The sound of the rain woke me up in the middle of the night. Great! Just what i needed (insert sarcasm here please). I grabb my cellphone to see what time it was. 3:12 a.m. Oh fuck! Dead time in al the horror story. 'Ok, kayley, relax. Nothing is gonna happend, nothing is gon-' But my thoughts were cut by a big fuckin thunder. I quickly got up from my bed and went out of the room running to Brian's.  

"Brian" i whispered opening the door a little. "Syn" i said again once into the room. "What?" he grunted sleepy raising his head from his pillow. "I'm scared. I can't sleep" i admitted, feeling my cheecks red and hot as fuck for it. "Come here" he said opening the bed sheet's for me. I layed biside him as he put an arm arround me taking me closer to him. "Thanks. Night, Brian" i told him reasting my head on his chest. "Night, Kay".


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