Chapter 3: Midazolam

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"Dr. Gardners not back until next week. Do you want to try waiting for one of the urgent care doctors or... Stiles. Are you all right?" Melissa asks him, as we stand next her by the table she sitting next to. Stiles exhales and holds my hand tighter. Melissa looks up at me and then looks back at Stiles with a worried look.

"Just give him a minute." I whispered to her.

"I don't know. I guess....I guess not really." Stiles answered her, shakily. Oh I know that look. Please do not catch a panic attack. I do not want to catch one with you.

"Stiles, breathe." I whispered to him, hastily. Melissa got up from the chair and walks towards us. She pulled Stiles away from me gently, and grabbed his shoulders, rubbing them. I guess it was her way of calming him down.

"All right, kiddo." She said to him, walking him down the hall. "All right. Come with me. It's okay." She said to him, walking him down the hall.

Stiles then stopped walking and turned his head around, looking at me. I gave him a little smile, and tucked a small strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Don't worry, I'm right here. I'll be there in just a second." I whispered to him. He nodded and turned his head back around.


I watched Melissa walk him to a hospital room and I pulled out my phone. I clicked on Scott, being that he was the one who texted me.

Scott: Is he okay? Stiles is he okay?

Me: don't worry, he's fine. Your mom's helping him. we're at the hospital.

Scott: ok, please stay with him until I'm able to see him, I got this thing happening with Kira at the house. It's not what you think. Okay?

Me: okay, not thinking. I just gotta tell my parents why I'm not at school. I'll stay with him until your done with whatever you're  doing with Kira.

Scott: thank you. Anyway, I'm glad you came back Josie :)

Me: me too.

That was a little weird. But you only expect the unexpected with Scott. I placed my phone back inside of my pocket and walked towards the hospital room that Melissa and Stiles was in. Stiles was sitting on the hospital bed while she stood over him with a pen and clipboard in hand.

"Vivid dreams during the day?" Melissa asked him while reading off a sheet of paper on the clipboard.

"Okay, basically all of the above. Do you know what this is?" Stiles asked her, as she revealed a very tiny thin needle.

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